Chapter 6

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Mel's Pov

We arrived at the mall we got out the car and of course I tripped and busted my ass.

Everyone laughed I laughed too it was pretty funny.

I got up and we headed into the mall

"Let's go into Pacsun first" I suggested

They all followed me into Pacsun.

"How does this look" Andrea asked holding up a white crop top with lace at the bottom

"Really cute" I replied but my smile quickly faded when I saw


"Umm I'm going to try this on" I picked up a random pink top and headed to the dressing rooms.

I came out the dressing room and saw that Evan was gone. what a relief.

"What was that all about" Andrea asked confused

"I just really liked the top" we laughed and went to a couple more stores around the mall until we got tired

"Let's watch a movie" Ricky suggested

"Yasss let's watch a movie" Connor said while clapping his hands obnoxiously

We all laughed and headed towards the movie theater that was inside the mall

"What movie do y'all wanna watch" Jc asked

"Hunger games catching fire" Ricky said a bit to excited

"Yeah let's watch hunger games!" I said also a bit to excited.

We bought the tickets and walked in the movie theater

Kian sat next to Andrea

Sam sat next to Trevor

Ricky sat next to Connor

And Jc sat next to me

We took up a whole row of seats

As the movie trailers were playing Sam came back with 3 containers ((( A/N idk what it's called))) of popcorn 8 small drinks and 3 bags of sour patch kids.

He handed us the food and drinks

Before the movie started playing we talked to one another

Kian talked to Andrea as she cuddled up to Kian

Sam talked to Trevor

Ricky talked to Connor

And Jc talked to me

"You never told me you knew Andrea." Jc said

"You never asked" I smiled and grabbed my drink and drank from it

"True true haha"

"I saw your vlog Jc" I smiled at Jc he blushed and looked down at my hand

I held his hand and we both smiled

"I like this" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

The movie started and me and Jc were still holding hands.

The movie ended.

"Oh my gosh that was literally so good" I said smiling while exiting the theater with the others

"Yess oh my gosh" Andrea joined my excitement.

The boys looked at us like we were crazy. we didn't care.

Andrea dropped Kian, Connor,Ricky ,Trevor, and Sam off at there houses.

Me and Jc were last I grabbed my 4 bags of clothing and walked out the car door along with Jc.

"That was so much fun we need to do that again!" Andrea said

"Yes girl text me" I said while smiling

She nodded and waved and said goodbye

it was only 7pm.

We were outside my house

Jc walked up towards me I could feel my heart beat faster and faster with each step he took.

"Mel?" Jc said looking up at me

"Jc?" I imitated him and giggled

(((( Ooooo Cliffhanger ))))

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