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Batgirl Pov

All of us are in the kitchen with our suits on and the league is rebuilding the cave. I'm sitting beside Rob and KF is in front of him. Green Arrow set a bowl of pretzels on the table and I layed my elbow on the table and let my chin rest on my palm.

"Thanks. But no thanks." KF said

"Yeah. What we want, are answers. About Red Tornado and his siblings." Robin said as we all faced Green Arrow and Black Canary.

"Exactly." KF said and Green Arriw picked up te bowl but KF grabbed it from him.

"Leave the bowl." He said as he ate some and I quickly stood up and sat beside him. I grabbed some pretzels and popped them in my mouth.

"You knew!? That android and his maniac family, nearly killed M'gann!" Connor suddenly said and all of us snapped our head towards them. Connor is holding Kaldur by his collar. All of us stood up but not before KF and I finished the bowl.

"Connor, what are you doing?" M'gann asked as she flew towards them.

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said NOTHING." Connor said

"You knew!?" Rob yelled as all of us approached them.

"And you didn't tell us!?" KF finished.

"I did it to protect the team from--" Kaldur got cut off by Artemis.

"Protect us from what!? Knowledge that might've saved our lives!?" She asked in an angered voice.

"You almost died!" Connor said to M'gann.

"Enough." We heard Batman said and all of us faced him. Connor let go of Kaldur and I folded my arms over my chest.

"With Red Tornado missing, the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift." Batman said and Captain Marvel stood beside him.

"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys." He said and Connor started whispering to Kaldur.

"Red Tornado is a member of the justice league. He is our responsibility. You WILL leave him to us." Batman interjected and I groaned quietly.

"I have another assignment to this team." Batman said as a hologram of a newspaper appeared in front of Black Canary and Green Arrow.

"Gotham mayor attacked by Guerilla Gorilla?" KF read out loud and I cackled quietly.

"Batman please, tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase." Rob said.

"I never joke about a mission." Batman said and Rob looked down. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he just sent a small smile to me.

"Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and heck this out." Batman said and Aqualad nodded.

"Heh. Your team." KF said as they all walked out. I stood in front of Kaldur and layed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worrry, Kal. We'll sort this out. I promise." I said and he smiled.

"Thank you, Batgirl. I am glad to be your non-biological brother." He said and I cackled.

"That just sounded weird." I smiled and he smiled a little wider.


KF, Rob, and I were about to get in the bioship when we saw Captain Marvel landed in front of the entrance.

"You're coming with?" Robin asked as we stood in frontof Captain Marvel.

"Sure. We'll have a blast." CM said as he walked in ad the three of us looked at each other.

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