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Athena Wayne Pov

I woke up with a headache in the middle of nowhere. The place is deserted. I don't know where I am or why I'm here. I stood up weakly and started walking around. The blazing sun is making me sweat so bad. My only support is this big rock my hand found. I suddenly heard an engine roaring and looked by the big hole in the rock. I quickly jumped up and hid by the rocks as I let the truck pass by.

"Those are Bialyan republican army uniforms." I muttered as I opened my wrist com.

"But what are Bialyans doing here in
......Bialya?! Better question......what am I doing here in Bialya?" I asked myself and I looked at the date.

"In September!? What happened to March!?" I asked myself again as I closed my wrist com.

"I better radio Batman." I said and suddenly remembered him telling us to avoid radio contact. Wait, us? As in me and Rob or are there more people?

"Or not." I said as I jumped down the rocks and started walking. Somebody suddenly landed in front of me and dust surrounded us. I waved my hand in front of me and saw a shirtless boy with his eyes raging with fire. He looks like Superman, but younger. He growled and attacked me. I quickly jumped up and threw batarangs at him but he blocked with his arm and jumped up following me. He went to punch me but I blocked with an arm and kicked him on the guts. Sending him down to the sand while I landed swiftly one a Spider-man pose.

"Look, buddy. I don't know you but what in Olympus are you doing trying to kill me!?" I asked and he responded with a kick that I easily dodged and punch his face. He flew back and I took this as my chance to run away.

"Stupid sand, stupid Bialya, stupid soldiers, stupid boy, stupid September, stupid lost memories!" I yelled the last part as I kept on running until I bumped into someone. We both fell on our butts and I rubbed my head.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I yelled as I stood up.

"You watch where you're---wait. That voice, B?" The person asked and I looked down to see Rob standing up.

"Rob! Am I glad to see a familiar face!" I exclaimed and he hugged me.

"What happened? I don't remember anything. I mean, it's March right?" He asked as I hugged back.

"I don't know what happened, either. It's freaking September and a boy tried to kill me earlier!" I explained as I pulled away and he cackled.

"Come on, I tracked a GPS marker earlier. Come on." He said as he pulled my hand and dragged me to that GPS marker.

"We're supposed to be in Gotham, doing that Terrific trio thing. How in Olympus did we get here?" I asked as I walked beside him and he sighed.

"I wish I know the answer, B." He said and I looked down.


"Wish I can remember why I put a GPS marker here." Rob muttered as we reached our destination and we saw a black box thingy.

"Maybe that's why." I muttered as we ducked down and hid by the rocks.

"Hello? Team?" I suddenly heard a girl in my mind and I winced.

"What's wrong?" Rob asked.

"Did you just hear a girl speaking inside of your head?" I asked.

"Uhhh no? Why?" He asked.

"I heard someone. Her voice is familiar but so foreign at the same time." I muttered.

"Maybe you're just hearing things." He said and I nodded. We both jumped down to the sand and saw Bialya soldiers rise from the sand. One started talking while pointing at us and they all started running. Rob and I looked around then at each other. Nodding, Rob dropped a smoke bomb and we started knocking all of them out unconcious. They started firing their guns and Rob and I back flipped a few times. Dodging all of the bullets. We both stood back-to-back and threw batarangs/birdarangs at the soldiers and ropes got out of it and tied them. One soldier ran towards me and I ducked, making Rob spin kick the soldier and knock him unconcious.

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