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They shoved me against the wall, slipping their hot tongue into my mouth and groping my breasts. I put my hands on their shoulders and pull away.

"Lena, I..."

"Who's Lena?" Lena asks before morphing into a man's form. "I'm Jason."

I watch in horror as their faces morph and twist until they're combined as one, cackling and walking away before disappearing with the wind...


My eyelids fly open and I steady my breathing.

What was that all about?

"Um, yes, Singh?"

"Visitor time in thirty minutes. We've allowed you an hour, so don't waste it."

"Wow, thanks, Singh. That was cool of you."

"Yeah, well... Happy holidays."

"Happy holidays."

"Now get dressed! I just know you're wearing that wretched grey sweatsuit again. You really need to burn that thing."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, Singh, I'll just change into the clothes that the department provided me with. Oh wait..."

"We brought you a few of your old outfits. We couldn't exactly fit in your entire wardrobe, highness."


She sighs and leaves, her heels clicking as she walks down the corridor.



"Oh! Excuse me," I apologize. "I guess I didn't see you there. Wait, don't I know you from somewhere?"

He smiles confusedly. "I don't think so? I'm Jason."

"Jason Bourne?"

He rolls his eyes playfully. "Funny, Tori said the exact same thing."

"Tori? You know Tori- oh my gosh!"


"You must be the Jason who asked her out, aren't you?"

"Uh, yeah? Do you guys know each other?"

I scoff. "You could say that."

"That's so cool! We should have a double date sometime. You can bring your boyfriend!"

I try not to roll my eyes. "Don't have one."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You'll find someone soon enough."

"Actually, I'm gay."

"Wait, you're lesbian? Oh my gosh, what's that like? How do you... ya know, have sex?"

Why don't you bring your girlfriend over and I'll show you?

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