Rest in Power, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

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Carrie Fisher was a Jewish actress and author who was bipolar and stood up against ableism, misogyny, and ageism, she was unique in the way that she was loud and out there without the fear of being judged. Not to be super sentimental (which I never am), but remember that please. Remember that she didn't let mental illness stop her, remember that she was faced with constant sexism in her career and she didn't let that stop her, remember when people said she "didn't age right" and she didn't let that stop her.

As we walk into 2017 keep in mind that Carrie would not want you to stop, she would want you to be persevering. "Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow"

And her mother Debbie Reynolds? Remember her as the Singing in the Rain and Halloweentown actress who survived childhood abuse and was a founding member of thalians (an organization dedicated to mental health high she lead for almost 60 years), was an ally to the LGBT community especially during the aids crisis, and raised five children even when she was broke.

Please keep these wonderful women in your thoughts, as well as Billie Lourde and Carrie's siblings, they are going through tough times right now.

Thank you space mom (and witch grandmother!) for your special lives. May the force be with you :).

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