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After I was turned into a vampire, I had to get to know my new self. That wasn't an easy task. All the emotions raging in me made it very difficult to get through each day. At the insistence of my maker, I had to go to a place where I could learn how to understand what was happening to me. Think of it as something like a vampire college. That may sound silly to you, but it's the best way I can put it.

Young vampires are savage for the first few years. If they can learn how to control their thirst without letting it consume them, they have a chance at immortality. If they can't, they are destroyed. Usually those who don't seek guidance, walk into the sun or go mad. It's that simple. My maker encouraged me to 'go to school' and pass certain tests so I could get a handle on things and not end up killing every human I happened upon after graduation. I'm very glad now I took his advice.

I begin this introduction (Book One) with the meeting I had with my vampire master and the series of events that followed. I kept a journal and recorded a great deal. Those first two weeks changed my life a second time.

I hope you enjoy my story. 

~randi fang


I'm a huge fan of Aidan Turner so he is who I visualize the Vampire Master as in this story. My vampire master looks a lot like Aidan. You'll see videos and photos on each chapter page. I hope you don't mind. If you think my vampire master looks differently than I do, share your ideas in a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Language is Rated PG 13

Due to Wattpad's restriction on steamy language, I am writing this story without using any erotic words so it can be rated PG-13. While this story does contain adult content, concepts and situations, it does not contain offensive language. Because of that, I do get creative and invent unique terms for various things.

My Vampire Master (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now