Chapter 29

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On the way back, I felt refreshed. I didn't really understand what the dream meant but I decided not to dwell on it. Instead, I focused on the renewed energy running through my veins, the same energy the oak had. When I made it home, I picked up silver watercress from the garden. She had indeed a good sense of humour. I then forced myself to go to bed for a few more hours and after a few nights my sleep was finally peaceful.

I woke up early enough to make the kids breakfast and packed lunch. I knew they were old enough to do it themselves, even if Lee-Ann didn't agree, but I find breakfast preparation oddly calming. Call me boring, but I love some of the routines.

I made sure I prepared coffee and greeted Lee-Ann with an innocent smile that persuaded her nothing was wrong and everything was forgiven. That and a little bit of magic. But just a little bit, because I didn't need to manipulate people through magic - I do it simply by using my natural charm. That's allowed and completely legal.

When she left to work, this time taking the train to London, I texted Jake to meet me with Jonathan after my shift in the pub. We needed to talk about the next steps. Maybe, just maybe, Jonathan would let me have his blood now? I mean, maybe all this will help him to come to the terms with everything. He probably needed more of a psychiatrist than a witch. Not that I would tell him that, but he had serious ex issues. Talking about non-functional family relationships - at least I don't kill them just because they don't agree with me. I shivered. I could still feel the echo of the woman's pain as Jonathan literally sucked the life out of her. He was not trying to be nice. I knew there are always three sides to the story: her side, his side, and the truth, but there was no excuse to kill someone.

I decided for once it was time to put up my feet up and catch up on some soaps. After all, Saira was coming shortly and it was good to be up-to-date with the Pop Idol. Just in case she wanted to talk about it.

Two episodes later and the belief I could be the next pop star because half of those who qualified simply couldn't sing in my humble opinion, I heard someone knocking on the door. Of course, the someone was Saira.

She was all cheerful and glamorous as always. I suspected she had somewhere in her bloodline some witch ancestor because she simply had the gift of presence. It was impossible to match the colours she always wore and look so glamorous on a budget, let alone her budget. No matter how many Style and Vogue magazines I read I could never match her skills. Then, these magazines rarely featured any clothes that would be actually flattering. Oversize coat, seriously? It was so frustrating but it made me appreciate her even more. Sometimes I was so superficial... I was proud of myself.

"Hello lovely. You look so much better than on Monday." She greeted me. I smiled. Clearly, talking to dead and getting killed somehow agreed with me.

"Thanks. Come in, I will make us a coffee." I offered and she followed me inside.

"Thanks. I love Lee-Ann's coffee, it's so good like if you were in a real coffee shop." She said rather loudly and then stopped and turned around.

"Don't worry, Lee-Ann is in London today. Just sit down." I motioned her towards the sofa and went to make the coffee. Saira was right, though, Lee-Ann stocked on a good coffee and I didn't complain about that. After a careful consideration, I decided to take out the cookies. Raspberry and white chocolate, my favourite. This was the time to share with friends. I took out a silver serving plate where I carefully put two mugs of coffee, a small jug of semi-skimmed milk and a plate with the cookies. So posh.

"Oh, professional." Saira greeted me and I just smiled. It did save me a trip to the kitchen.

"By the way, you didn't really miss anything yesterday. We did basically what is in the textbook. It was rather boring." Saira commented on the latest developments in our course - though she thought most of the course was boring. For her, it was about getting the certification and that was it. I actually enjoyed the class, it was nice to be back at school. I just nodded.

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