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Before you start reading I want you all to know that this chapter is canon to the story but it is more of a side story. Everything in this chapter happens at a different time than everything in the main story. You don't have to read this for the main story to make sense. This is just for fun, to 'relieve' some tensions and to give a little background.

This is a short story on how and why Azazale is after Pontier

(((Zal is 24 years old)))

Zal's POV

(Y/n) and I were sitting on the edge of a roof somewhere downtown with sandwiches and pop in our hands. We had just finished verifying a lead and we decided to take a break and have lunch. *munch munch* *chew* "So Zal? I never asked but why are you after Pontier?" I look over at (y/n) and look into her (e/c) eyes. "I told you remember? His guys stole some stuff from us." (y/n) twitches, signifying that I am now with Lunar. "Cut the crap man. I know there's something else. It seemed too personal when we first met." I sigh and run my hand through my chocolate brown hair. "Alright, alright. You caught me. I have a bit of history with Pontier. What he did to me was unforgivable." Lunar smirks and rubs her (s/c) hands together. "Ooooo. Do tell!~" I roll my eyes at her but I comply none the less. "Well it all started when......."


Still Zal's POV

I was a lackey under Pontier. I had met him when I was eighteen. Boss just called me and my squad up to his office. Benny knocked on the door and we waited till we heard a deep 'come in'. We all walked in and stood in front of his desk. Mike was the first to speak. "You called boss?" Boss opened his blood red eyes and looked at all seven of us. "Yes. As you all know I run a business here. And when people do things that affect my business, well I just won't have it. I need you all to go to warehouse eight and wait for the guys that have been stealing from me to show up. Once they get there, I want them dead. Do you understand?" We all salute him. "Yes boss!!" "Very good. Now go." Mike, Benny, Jerry, James, Caleb, Terrence and I all loaded up the car with equipment and headed on our way. 

We arrived at warehouse eight at around six in the morning. 'Why is this warehouse eight? He doesn't even have eight warehouses.' Terrence grabs my shoulder and gives a bit of a shake. "Come on pal. Help us set up." I nod and help them take everything into the warehouse. After fifteen minutes we were all hiding with our weapons and stuff. Suddenly I hear Mike scream and the sound of liquid hitting the ground. Then like a chain reaction, all of them started screaming followed by the sound of dripping liquid. 'What is going on?' I peek around the corner and see two masked guys with sub machine guns. I jump up onto the crate I was hiding behind and I crawl closer to them. "Heh, boss was right, they were small fry." The other guy laughed and then spoke, "Yea they didn't deserve to work for boss. I understand why he wanted them gone." My eyes widen and I gasp. The first man looks around startled.I throw my hand over my mouth. "Hey did you hear that?"The second man shakes his head. "Nah man. It was probably the wind. Let's just go and report back to Pontier to tell him they're gone." The other man nods and they both leave. Once I can't hear their footsteps anymore I quickly jump down. I look for my friends bodies. As I come across the first one, which was Caleb, I cringe and hold my stomach. Caleb's eyes were pulled out and his jaw was slack and broken. I walked away and found Benny. Benny's arms were broken and one of his legs was cut off. I feel the tears burn my eyes as I start to sob. As I sob, I hear someone call my name. I look around but see no one. "Hello?" *cough* "Z-zal?" My eyes widen in shock. 'James!' I run over to where I think I heard the voice. When I get there, I see James laying on his back with a hole in his stomach and blood all on his face. I turn away and puke in the corner. "Zal.... Come here." I walk over and kneel down next to him. He smiles up at me and chuckles a bit. "I'm glad they didn't hurt you. Y-you know you're like a son to me.." I reach out and hold his hand. "J-James. Y-you were like my dad too. I'm so sorry this happened. I overheard the guys talking and apparently Pontier set this all up. I'm s-so sorry." I cry more as I squeeze his hand. James face goes dead pan. "That bitch.." *cough cough* James starts to cough up blood. "Look kid. You need to leave." My eyes widen. "W-what!?! I-I can't leave you! Please! I-" James puts his hand on top of my head. "Look son. I won't make it but I need you to promise me you will live." I cry more as I just nod. "Good. You were such.......a good...........son." James' hand fell limp and his eyes closed. I cried for about two more minutes before getting up and leaving. 

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