An Ally?

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(Y/n)'s POV

Its been about a week since I started searching for clues. "Alright, so now you're going to tell me where Pontier is hiding out, yea?" Lunar puts more force behind her foot which is stepping on a man's private area. "You bitch! W-why would I snitch?!?" Lunar smirks and leans in close to his face, putting even more pressure, making the man groan and bite his lip. "Well it would be in your best interest. You've already seen what I did to your lackeys and I'm sure you wouldn't want their fate." The man looks around at the mutilated corpses of his friends. Some of them had pieces missing but all of them had the same terrified look on their faces. Lunar pulls a knife out and jabs it into his penis. "AHHHHHHHHHH!! STOP, STOP, STOP! PLEASE!! I-I'LL TALK." Lunar grins and pulls the knife out. "See, was that so hard?" She squishes his cheeks together like a mother would do. 'Eww Lunar, just hurry and get this over with.' 'Right. Sorry.' She removes her foot and stares at him. "W-well I only know where two of his hideouts might be. He has 5 in total but I swear I only know about 2!" Lunar rolls her eyes and then nods. "T-the first one is an abandoned shoe factory in the Ol' Creekway Woods. The second one is an old Victorian hotel down the block from Ol' Tom's fishin' creek. I swear that's all I know so please do-" The man is cut off when I shoot him in the face. "Jeez, he talked to much! Well Lunar, you remember all that?" 'Yup. We should head out tomorrow to check the first place out.' 'Alright.' I leave the building and hop back on my motorcycle to get back home.

Its about 9 in the morning. We decided to check out the shoe factory first. 'Alright Lunar scope the area first.' "Right." Lunar closed her eyes for about 3 minutes. "All clear." She walks forward towards the building. It looks exactly like you think it would, broken windows, missing bricks, glass and equipment strewn about. Lunar walks up to a drain pipe and starts scaling the building. We go up about 4 floors before peeking through a window. There are three guys standing in a semi-circle. They each had a pistol and one had a bat. "So what does boss want us to do here?" "We have to grab the rest of the supplies and then leave to the new hideout." the one with black hair picks up a box and walks towards the stairs. "Why do we keep switching buildings anyway?" The guy with the bat scratches his scraggly beard before answering, "Boss says he has a feelin' someone is after us so to be safe we gotta go to the Ol' fishin' spot." 'So its not this one. Alright Lunar take them out and lets get moving.' Lunar nods and crashes through the window. Before either guy could react, a bullet went through both of their heads. Instantly Lunar puts her guard up and scans the area. "Come out now or it will be way worse for you." There's no sound for a second, then we hear footsteps coming from the left. Lunar turns towards them and readies four of the invisible arms. A person wearing a leather jumpsuit walks out from behind the crates. Their face is covered with a hood, a mouth guard, and steampunk-like goggles. Their chocolate brown arms are out and they are wearing combat boots. They have a crossbow on their back and a sniper in their hand. They walk closer and Lunar quickly throws our arms towards them. 'Wait!' The arms stop right in front of their face and the person flinches. 'They can see the arms?' They quickly drop the sniper and holds their hands up in surrender. "L-listen I-i don't want any trouble. I just wanted t-to help you o-out." Considering the pitch of the voice I can tell its a guy. "Who are you and why the hell should I believe that bullshit?" The guy drops his arms. "Well for starters my name is Azazale (uh-zay-zuhl) Greenmen, but c-call me Zal", he removes his hood, mouth guard, and goggles. He has chocolate brown hair and two different colored eyes. The right eye is a royal blue and the left is a strange sunny yellow. "U-umm could you get rid of the arms. I p-promise i'm not here to hurt you. So what's your name?" Lunar's eyes widen but nonetheless she brings them back. "How can you see them?" He nervously scratches his neck and gives a small smile. "Uh well I don't really know why but I've been able to see stuff like that for a long time." Lunar nods and then I take control again. Zal's  eyes widen when he sees my body twitch and my eyes change color. "Don't be alarmed I was just taking control again. My names (y/n) (l/n). The person you were just talking to is Lunar. This is my body." Zal still looks confused but he nods nonetheless. "So why are you here?" He walks in front of me and sighs. "Well I'm after those guys. Well their boss. The guy stole something from our base so boss sent me to come get it." 'Pfffffftt! Hahahahahahahahah!! They sent this little pipsqueak!' 'Lunar, remember looks can be deceiving. You couldn't sense him at all and he wasn't that far from us.' 'Y-yes w-well........ Ugh.' "Alright well seems like we're after the same people so I say we team up, just for now at least. We can part ways afterwards." He nods and starts to come in for a hug. I put my hand up to stop him just in time. "Sorry but first: we should go ask your boss if its okay, my boss won't care. Second don't hug me out of no where, I don't want to get shocked and go into danger mode." He backs down and then nods. "Alright. So shall we go?" 

After 20 minutes, we pull up to an empty field on my motorcycle. He had walked there so I gave him a ride. "So where is the place?" He gets off and grabs my wrist. He pulls me to a ring of flowers with a rock in the middle. He lets go and bends down towards the rock. "So what no-" I'm cut off as the ground opens and we both start falling. "NOT COOL!!!!!!!"

We hit the ground after 5 minutes and we both land on our feet. "Alright follow me!" Zal grabs my wrist but before he could get going I flip him over my shoulder and he lands with a thud. I finally come back to reality and I turn around to see him on the ground in pain. I cough and scratch the back of my neck nervously. "S-sorry, but I did warn you about grabbing me out of nowhere." He nods and then stands up all cheery again. "Its fine!" We start walking off again to find his boss. After a bunch of confusing hallways we finally get to a room with a sign on the door. 'Please knock or I will knock your lights out! Huh? Nice sign. We should get something like that!' I shake my head to quiet Lunar down. Zal knocks on the door and a very soft voice says 'come in'. Zal pushes the door open and we both step inside. The office is small with only a desk and three chairs, not including the one facing the wall behind the desk. The door closes behind us and Zal runs up to the desk. "Hello beautiful! Its your favorite man!!!" A laugh comes from behind the chair as it turns around. "Oh darling. I missed you."

In the chair is a short and pale girl, with butt length hair, the right side is fiery red and the left side is ice blue. Her eyes are a fiery orange color. She's wearing a dark green crop top with black leggings. "I met someone on my job and we have something to ask you." Zal gestures to me and I walk up closer. "Hello miss. My name is (Y/n) and apparently me and you are after the same people, so I figured we could work together. If that's okay with you?" Zal's eyes are wide and the girl's hand is covering her mouth. 'Is she trying not to laugh?' As soon as Lunar said that the girl immediately started laughing. I look confused and she clears her throat. "I-i'm sorry but, you're funny! I don't blame you because everybody gets it wrong. Even the people who have worked for me for years!" My body twitches and Lunar comes out. "Look lady I don't mean to be rude but can you just say what happened?" The girl doesn't look surprised and just smiles. "Right, sorry. It's just that......Well, I'm a man." Lunar's mouth hits the ground. "EHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!" She- well I guess he now, starts cracking up and almost falls out of his chair. "Its true! Anyway about collaborating..........It's all good with me." He smiles childishly but then as if something snapped, his face immediately drops to a hardened glare and the red in his hair starts to turn ice blue like the left side. The room starts to freeze and I can see frost crawl over the furniture. Zal walks around the desk to be beside him. "If you do anything to harm me, my organization, or my coworkers, I will not hesitate to kill you and everyone you love." Lunar goes deadpan and snaps her fingers. Two of the arms go flying out towards the guy's neck but before they touch him he throws up his hands and stops both of the arms. Neither of us move for a minute, then he starts smiling. "Feisty.....I like you." He drops the arms and Lunar retreats them. "My name is Blake Parker. I just turned 21 recently. I hope we get along." He reaches his hand out and Lunar just closes his hands and fist bumps him. "Sup dude! The names Lunar!" 

FYI If you couldn't tell, Blake has the power to control temperature, ice, and fire. I hope that makes sense!

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