Ending 3

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New words: (l/s) long or short (f/f) favorite flower

Author's POV

"You guys hang back. This is between me and butch." "Don't forget about me." Zal and Blake nod and quickly run out of the room and back downstairs. (Y/n) charges first with an odd black energy around her hands. She throws the first punch but Butch dodges it like nothing. Lunar surprises him by coming up right beside (Y/n) and kicked him in the stomach. Butch slid back a few feet but quickly regained himself. "Oh come on. Is that it?" He smiled and charged at both of them. He was too quick to dodge so when he got in front of them they couldn't block the punches coming for their faces. (Y/N) flew back into a wall while Lunar only skidded back. Lunar charged some white energy in her hand. '(Y/n) distract him for a bit while I charge up.' 'Right!' (Y/n) covered her hands and feet in the black energy. She teleported to Butch and roundhouse kicked him in the face. He recovered and swung at her. She dodged the first hit but the second one hit her in the stomach. She coughed up a bit of blood but immediately came back and punched him twice in the stomach. Butch bent over holding his stomach. (Y/n) slammed her hands onto his back making him hit the ground. She kicked at him but he rolled out of the way and grabbed her foot. He picked her up by her foot and slammed her into the ground. She bounced right back up and upper cut him. 'Move, now!!' (Y/n) bounced away as a ray of white was fired in Butch's direction. It hit Butch directly in the stomach. He was slammed against the far wall, creating a dent and cracks. "Get up! Or are we too much for you?" Butch frowned. "Shut the hell up!!" He popped out of the wall and came dashing towards the two girls. He pulled a knife out of his back pocket and slashed Lunar's (r/l) eye. Lunar screamed and clutched her eye. (Y/n)'s eyes widen and they started to glow with the black energy. A sword of black energy started to manifest in her hands. Once it formed, she quickly dashed to Butch and cut him across the back. He screamed but turned around to block another attack. 

Lunar runs up from behind but Butch senses her and he jumps out of the way. Lunar forms a sword of white energy and both of the girls charge forward. Butch pulls out a second knife and he blocks both of their strikes. Butch slashes down and he cuts both of them on the shoulder. The wounds start to bubble making both girls grip their shoulders and scream in pain. Butch smirks and twirls the knives around. "How do you girls like that? It's a weapon of my own design~. It was made specially for you two!" Butch springs forward but both girls manage to get up in time. "(Y/n) hold him still for a little bit while I charge up an attack." (Y/n) nods and she sets off after the crazed man. She slices towards his legs but he just barely jumps over it. He goes for a slice to the head be he only manages to cut some hair off. (Y/n) swings again but Butch blocks it with a knife. They both push on each other until (Y/n) feels a searing pain in her side. "Did you forget I had another knife~?" Butch drives the knife in deeper as she hits the floor. He pulls the knife out and then licks the blood off. "What's wrong? Can't handle a lit---" He is cut off by a beam of white energy hitting him in the gut, making him go flying into the far wall. Lunar runs up and helps (Y/n) stand. "You okay?" (Y/n) nods as she stands on her own. Butch pushes himself out of the wall without the two girls noticing. He quietly sneaks up behind Lunar and uses both knives to stab her in the heart. Lunar immediately coughs up a bucket of blood as her now lifeless eyes stare at (Y/n). Butch pulls the knives out as (Y/n) shakes with anger. Lunar's body disappears and goes back into (Y/n), unfortunately the wounds that Lunar had are now on (Y/n).  (Y/n)'s eyes and the skin around them turn a deadly white as her sword now releases smoky white energy. She blindly charges at Butch and manages to cut his shoulder a bit. Butch winces but slashes at her with his own knives. They go back and forth with the knives until Butch manages to make (Y/n)'s sword launch out of her hands. Butch grabs her throat and slams her into the ground. He starts to choke her as she claws at his arms. "Don't you see (Y/n)? If you would have stayed, none of this would have happened. But now it's too late." Butch raises both knives in one hand and drives them into her heart. (Y/n) struggles for a bit but then she stops as the white energy and her life fades away. Butch stands up and laughs. "AHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!" He breathes heavily but soon stops. He hears voices from downstairs making him run to the throne in the back of the room. He goes behind the chair and pulls open a hatch. He slides in and the hatch closes and locks behind him.


Zal and Blake stood at the back of the room. Both of them wearing all black. Blake wore a black skirt and black button-up shirt with a black veil over his eyes. Zal had on an all black suit. Everyone else in the church wore black as well except for (Y/n)'s mother, father, and little sister. They wore (f/c) [if it us black then please pick another color] clothes. Everyone in the room cried as the talked about the life that was just loss. Once the priest finished talking, they all went outside to the burial. Inside the casket sat a beautiful (s/c) skinned girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair done up all nice. She wore a (l/s) (f/c) dress. As the casket was lowered, her family threw in three (f/c) (f/f). The mother fell to her knees and broke down in tears at the loss of another child. Zal and Blake left before they could see the rest. "Do you have the information?" Zal nodded and handed Blake the papers. "We go after that bastard as soon as possible." Blake looked up with a blank face but his eyes held revenge and anger. "We will make you pay for what you have done to that family and to our friend, Butch."

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