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New word: (n/n)- nickname

(Y/n)'s POV

After 35 minutes I pull up in front of a tree. I hop off my bike and turn it off. I grab my bag and walk towards the tree. I take a card out of my bag and put it in the slot on the tree. A panel opens up. THE BLACK DEATH. I type it in quickly so no one can get my code just in case someone is around. The tree opens and I step inside. I push ground floor and the elevator starts to drop. Quickly I grab my 'work' clothes out of my bag and change.

The door opens and I step out. I'm now wearing a (f/c) shirt, white leather pants with belts wrapped around my legs holding a couple knives, (f/c) thigh high high heeled boots. I put my (h/c) (h/l) into a bun (or clipped it back out of your face if it's too short). I still have my shades on. I hear whispers from others as I walk through the halls to get to boss. "Is that who I think it is?" "She's back?" "The legendary black butterfly?" "She's the legend!" My smirk grows wider as I hear all the comments. 'They all seem amazed but I know they fear me! Ha!!' After 10 minutes I get to a set of double doors. In gold letters above the door it says 'The Boss'. I knock three times and hear a deep, tough voice say "state your name and business."I smirk. "The black butterfly and you know why I'm here." I hear a buzz and I pull the door open.

The office is a mix of reds, browns, and blacks. In the back of the room in the middle (which is right in front of you) sits a big dark oak wood desk with a large leather chair. The wall behind has windows that look down on the training grounds. On the left wall is bookcases and the right is a bunch of cabinets. In front of the desk is two couches, a table in between, and a couple chairs right in front of his desk. In the corner of the right wall is another door that leads to who knows where. I look up at the chair as it swivels around. The man sitting there had short dark green hair with a beard and mustache combo the same color. His steal gray eyes look like they could kill anyone in a second. His rough brown hands clasped together under his brown chin. "Hello black butterfly..." I walk up to his desk and sit in one of the chairs. I plop down and throw my feet up onto his desk. "Oh come on Butch stop acting so stoic and professional! It's only me." There's a silence for a couple seconds before he smiles and starts to laugh. "Hahahaha! You're right. How are you (n/n)?" I smile as well. "I've been fine but recently something has happened......" I trail off not knowing how to continue. "Does it have to do with why you came back?" I give a short nod. I slip my feet off the desk and rest my elbows on my knees. "Someone has targeted me and my family. They already killed my twin brother. I want revenge and I can't do it alone." Butch looks at me sternly. "I understand but you know if you come back you have to work for us again. I can't help you with nothing in return." I sigh but nod none the less. " I understand. If it means I get your support and help, I'll gladly work for you again." Butch smirks widely. "I'm glad we came to an understanding. Now since its been a few years you have to go through training again but it will just be the entrance test and if you need more training then we'll talk about it. The facilities and 'business partners' will be at your disposal for as long as you need them. Any questions?"

"When do we start?"

I'm standing in the training grounds. I changed my clothes to a (f/c) sports bra, (a/c) leggings, and (a/c) nikes. The training grounds is a huge field with nothing but a sand like ground. Around the top is the observation deck which is protected by bulletproof windows just in case. The windows from Butch's office are directly above/behind me.

They hand me a pistol and I have to shoot moving targets shaped like people. There are 10 in all. -bzz- The start signal buzzes and I immediately go into action. My body twitches and I smirk. "Awe come on bunny Butch this is to easy!" I hear Butch face-palm and say "I forgot about the flirty Lunar." "Hahahaha that's right Butch baby! I'm back just for you~." 'Lunar flirt later targets first!' Lunar sighs then she closes her eyes. "Watch this Butch baby~!" With her eyes still closed, Lunar takes 20 shots. The room is silent until Lunar opens her black and gold eyes. Every target is shot perfectly with a hole in the middle of the head and a hole where the heart would be. "Are ya proud of me baby?" I hear Butch in the background groaning and Lunar just laughs.

Lunar went back so now it's just me. For this test I have to stand on the track and run while jump, ducking, and dodging different obstacles. -bzz- the sound goes off and I'm already gone. I jump the first hurdle and dodge the rock that was thrown. 'Why couldn't I stay out. This is easy!!' I shake my head and grunt. I duck under someone swinging a bat at me. I do a triple back flip over a hole in the ground. After what felt like a hour of dodging, jumping, and ducking I'm finally finished. I'm panting but only slightly. I have little to no sweat. I hear the speaker go off, "time: 7 minutes and 38 seconds." I 'tch' because I was 3 minutes and 20 seconds slower than the last time I did it. I hear the people talking about how fast I was. "She cleared it in record time!" "She is a legend after all!" "She didn't do as good as last time." "I could do better!" I glare at whoever said the last two comments and everyone immediately shuts up and looks away.

I'm in a dark room filled with furniture. The room is set up like a kitchen and living room connected by a doorway. I'm standing at the door to the living room. I have to retrieve a big diamond from the other side of the room in the kitchen. I also have to do this without making noise and without touching or knocking over a single thing. If I do the lights cut on and I have to restart. That doesn't sound to bad but if you fail they also move things around and change the hiding place of the diamond so it's different every time. -bzz- the signal goes off and the lights immediately shut off. 'It's go time!' I crouch and try to remember what the room looked like. They only gave me a minute to study it. I walk slowly and crouch under the table. I military crawl over to the rocking chair and press my back against it. 'There are two tables with vases and pictures on it by the doorway to the kitchen.' I nod and crawl on my hands and knees. I slowly reach my hand out in front of me to feel around. When I don't feel anything I keep going. Watch out!' I stop abruptly before I put my hand down. 'What's wrong?' 'There's a squeaky toy right under your hand and a few scattered in front of you.' I sigh and slowly push the toy behind me. After sneaking for ten minutes I reach the doorway and slowly crawl in. It was a little brighter in here because there was a window with artificial moon light coming in but it was hidden by thin curtains. I look around to see if I can spot the diamond. 'Of course he hid it. Why can't my life be easy!' I sneak around and start checking the cabinets. After looking for 13 minutes I stand up in front of the sink and sigh. 'Dammit! Where could it be.' I face the sink and look down. 'Lol are you serious! Hahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha!' I groan. The diamond was in the sink. I pick it up and press the hand held buzzer they gave me to let them know I found it. The lights turned on and I stumped out off the room.

The last one is a fight between me and another member. I let Lunar come back out for this test since she seemed a little angry about not staying out longer. My body twitches and my eyes changed. "O Butch~!" She sang his name and flipped her hair. I'm ready for you~." Butch smirks. "Sorry Lunar but you're not fighting me." She growls and crosses her arms. "Fine then! Bring the little fuckers on. I'll have a date with you later Butch baby~!" Lunar winks and blows Butch a kiss. 'Alright Lunar focus. This is the last test.' ' I gotcha (n/n) don't worry!' Lunar grins and stands still while the 6 people walk into the arena. There are 4 guys and 2 girls. Apparently they are apart of a group called the deadly ten. They are considered the top ten best of the best. "Alright! Now go easy on me would you? Hahahahahaha!" None of them speak, they only stare. "Jeez you guys are boring. So what's your names? I would like to know what to put on your tombstones!" Lunar closes her eyes and gives an innocent smile with her head tilted a little to the side. "Trent." The tall boy with black hair spoke first. Then the blond twins, "Mike and Ike. And before you say it, yes it's just like the candy." Lunar laughs because she was gonna ask that. 'Idiot.' "I'm Max but you can call me daddy~." The fourth guy tried flirting which made both us recoil in disgust. "Um yea no. Butch is the only one for me. Right big daddy~?" Lunar looks over to Butch. He groans and then speaks. "Uh yea sure Lunar.....just get to the fight would ya?" Lunar nods and giggles like a hormonal teenager. The black haired girl speaks next. "I'm Hailey. I apologize for the damage I will inflict upon you." She speaks monotonously and with a stoic face. Lunar and I 'tch' at the same time. 'Cocky brat.' The last girl had thick glasses and looked too cute and innocent. "H-hi I'm J-Jessica. Plea-pleases to meet you l-legendary black butter-butterfly." She bows at 90 degrees and quickly stands up straight again. "Awwww you're too cute. I just wanna eat you up and squeeze you till you pop!" Lunar gushes over the girl but I cough and bring her back to her senses. "Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway let's fight shall we?" Lunar smiles innocently again while they all get into fighting stances. 'Go time.'

Sorry to stop it on a cliffhanger but the chapter was getting super long so I will put the fight scene in the next chapter. I hope you all enjoyed! See ya next time! Bye bye!!!!!!!

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