Getting Closer

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New word: (r/l) right or left (k/s) kind of sandwich


(Y/n)'s POV

"It's been a week and still no Lunar. I'm trying to call out to her but she's gone. It's like I don't even feel her anymore. She used to go quiet sometimes but I could still feel her there, now its- its nothing." I put my tear-stained (s/c) face in my hands. Jay sits down next to me and pats my back. We don't move and the only sound is from my breathing. I feel Jay's hand start to travel lower down my back but before I can speak up my body twitches. 'Lunar!?!?!!?' "You keep doing that and I may just take you here and now." Lunar smirks at Jay making her freeze. "L-Lunar? What the hell... Where were you?!?!" I quickly take over only half of the body so I could be present too. My (r/l) turns gold and black while my (r/l) eye is still my normal (e/c). "Yea Lunar, what the hell? You had me worried sick about you. I-I thought you died." Lunar walks us over to our kitchen and starts making a sandwich. "Well do you remember when those guys jumped us?" I nod our head making her continue. "They had some kind of weapon that literally drained me of my spiritual power. They hit me with it so much so that it completely drained me. If I hadn't have switched back at the last second we would have both been in a coma." Lunar picks up the (k/s) sandwich and starts eating it. "So you were basically in a coma for a week?" Jay looks at Lunar suspiciously. "Well yes and no. I could still see and hear what was happening but I was so weak that I couldn't move, speak, or do anything. That's also why you couldn't feel or sense me." I nod and let her finish her sandwich.

*Flashback Over*

Lunar's POV

We were in a special room somewhere in Blake's base. We had been down here trying to find out where Pontier's hideout was for about three days. The whole time we were down here Blake's hair was fully red because he was angry, which is understandable seeing as they have his love, but it also made the room hot and uncomfortable. There was a big map on the wall and we were sitting in chairs in front of it with a big table with papers and notes on it. "I think we only have two options. They are either in Rooney District or in the Meso District", Blake puts pins down on the areas of the map he just named. "Lunar, was there anything about those guys' speech that might tell you where they were from?"(y/n) stretched after she asked. Me and (y/n) were sharing the body at the moment so she could put in her feed back. "Now that you say that I think there was. They all had a bit of a southern accent. That means........... They could only be in the Meso District!" Me and (y/n) stand up and slam our hands down on the table in excitement. Blake smirks and clicks his pen. "Alright, ladies. I guess we have ourselves a lead."

I was sitting in a chair in front of big daddy. (Y/n) let me take control for now. "Lunar, what do you need?" Big daddy was smoking his cigar while he read some papers. 'He looks so good right now. His green hair all messed up and tossed around. His big brown hands holding his papers. Oh I just want to-' 'LUNAR!! Please control yourself!' I snap out of it and look at Butch. "Uh what did you ask me?" Butch puts his papers down and takes a drag of his cigar. "What do you want? Why did you need to speak with me?" I nod and close my eyes. "I need help from HQ. We finally found out where their hideout is and I know I'm going to need some back up so I was hoping I could borrow some guys." Butch looks at me with a blank stare for a second before answering. "Alright fine." My smile stretches wide like the Cheshire cat. "Excellent."

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