Chapter 59

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The breeze floated tantalizingly through the open windows, billowing in the soft scent of the night air interspersed with the heavy scent of the ocean. Tropical heat poured in on its wake adding to the beads of moisture already blanketing their sweat dampened skin. Sex was a messy business. But done right it was worth the discomfort.

Nina turned to face her lover. Staring unseeingly straight ahead, Dash appeared to be for all intents and purpose, a man spent and content and lost in quiet repose.

But the tense lines of his jaw told another story. He was still angry with her and she knew he had every right to be.  Nina braced for the lashing words she new was due her way but the first words he uttered were hardly a reprimand.  Instead he sounded almost defeated as he murmured softly, " You must be hungry.  Dinner is probably almost cold by now.  We should eat."

Strangely enough food was the last thing on Nina's mind. She simply wasn't hungry anymore.  Not for food anyhow.  The urge to take back her earlier foolishness grew strong upon her. But the deed was done. All that was left now was for her to face the consequences. 

She watched Dash ease of the bed and dissappear into the bathroom before gingerly following suit. She felt pleasantly battered and bruised but more importantly, she felt a blaring love for the man that would not be denied.

Dash emerged a short while later clad in nothing more than a fluffy white towel about his waist. Nina took her turn with the steam filled bathroom only she emerged wrapped up in the matching white robe.

They ate their meal in silence and it was only sometime later that they spoke at all.

Nina was the first to break silence.

"I am sorry," she said frankly. "I don't know what came over me."

"I am canceling my appointments tomorrow. We will spend the day together," said Dash solemnly.

Nina shook her head. "No, don't do that. Not on my account.  I am fine now. I don't need you to baby sit me."

"Oh? And what do you plan to do the whole day while I am at meetings?" Dash queried sarcastically, with his perfect brow raised condescendingly.

Nina shrugged helplessly before pouncing on the first idea to cross her head. "Shopping!" She said with forced glee. "You know I need new clothes."

Dash stared at her consideringly before finally nodding his head," That you do. I will have the concierge arrange a personal shopper to help you. She will know where to take you and help you with selections."

Dash rose up to stride across the room where the in house phone sat waiting.

"In other words a baby sitter," muttered Nina under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! "

"You had best make a list of the things you need. Some appropriate nightwear for one, not that I don't prefer you naked but... oh hello...," said Dash into the phone, making Nina wince inwardly, how much had reception heard?

Shaking her head, Nina leaned back into the sofa and reached for the tv remote. Despite the delicious meal, she felt drained out after the roller coaster of emotional turmoil she just went through.  The sex thereafter had been particularly draining too. Pleasurable but tiring. She felt lax and bone weary. Perhaps the jet lag was also catching up to her.

"Yes, yes that will be great. Tomorrow at nine then." Dashed finished offcthe call with a resounding click. He padded back to her before settling into the seat at her side. Dragging her pliant body up against him, he dropped an absentminded kiss onto her forehead before helping her burrow comfortably against his chest. Snuggling close she allowed him to take over the remote and flick across the channels. Taking her viewing pleasure away from sitcoms and movies and onto business news and market reports.

Nina didn't mind. Happy as she was to simply be there in his arms. Dash played with the damp tendrils of her hair as he continued to flick between news channels. Nina was half asleep already when he murmured absently into her ear. His voice pleasurably rough and husky.

"And don't forget love, you will need to get something to wear for our visit with the Sultan."

It took a moment before his words registered but then it did and Nina's head shot up with a jerk.

"When?" She asked instantly horrified.

"Wednesday night, its a dinner engagement," said Dash not taking his eyes off the tv screen.

'Thats the day after tomorrow! I need to buy clothes! When were you planning on telling me this?" Nina all but shrilled out at him.

Dash rolled his eyes at that.

"Now," he said darkly, shaking his head  at her. "Obviously."

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