Chapter 19

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The steps were the same and while the melody remained, its impact was not quite as earth shattering as it had been hearing it hummed in her ear with the husky timbre to his tone... as it had been when she was eighteen.

Before that dastardly kiss.

She moved within his grip now with quiet assurance, not perturbed that they made an unlikely couple on the dance floor but rather reveling in that. Nina had felt lacking, embarrassed and ashamed even when draped over Nial's arms but not so with Dash. With Dash she welcomed the sympathetic looks casted his way. She delighted in the in reducing his otherwise enigmatic and suave handsomeness to mere ordinary with her in his arms. He deserved her hanging onto him like a limpet. A fat blob who could topple him, her, them both at any point.

Yet Nina's secret delight was also Dash's own. He too revelled in finally having her in his arms. In having acknowledged an acquaintance with her in public. It didn't diminish the importance of what they were as t
He had once feared but it took the feelings to new highs. Never before had he been proud of the women he held in his arms. Never before had his hands lingered over the small of a woman's back with such tantalizing yearning for more.

Nina was sensuality incarnate. She had been since that blasted year she turned sixteen but it was only after that cravenous kiss he ravaged upon her lips at eighteen that her figure  took on an even more delightful curves. She blamed him for it. A fact she had stated often enough in the past and he had secretly hid a measure of pride at his own involvement in creating such classic beauty. Marilyn Monroe had nothing on her in sensuality and the sheath like black dress Nina wore complemented her dark brown hair and entrancing dark eyes.

His own blue gaze were greedy in their unwillingness to release Nina warm chocolaty stare. A stare that was oddly smug given her initial anger at on being forced onto the dance floor with him or over falling into his arms earlier. The later of which he had relished with barely surpressed excitement.

It was all he could do not to clutch her closer yet to his person and bury his lips in the deep valley between the curves of her heaving bossom. Nina Aurora was sin incarnate on a regular day but tonight she was the delicious devil on heels. Red stiletto heels that clashed wildly with the black of her dress and dusky gorgeousness of her person.

It was at glimpsing those enticing red heels stumble over each other that had activated his natural instincts to catch the gift they offered up flush against him.

He would have her fall again yet. Only rather than figuratively, he would have her fall in love with him. As madly in love with him, as he was beginning to realise, he already was with her. Had always been.

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