An Update.

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Merf. I can't sleep but I'm too tired to write actual story material do I'm coming to you @ 2 am to say this.

Something is only one thing. Something can be anything. Anything includes everything. No one can have everything. But without something, you would have nothing.

#knowledge in the a.m.

Okay. Now I have some story dares for you all in which I will give you a dare and random choices to write a one shot. Can be as short or as long as liked. So why do one these dares?

Why the hell Not.


why not write with numbers? 07734!

So here's your one shot dare. I dare you

to write a story about a misdirected text message that led to your true love.


Write a one shot where you become the thing you like the least


write a one shot about your crush, be him/her fictional or real, talking in their sleep.

Or finally,

You're stuck in a foggy glass box in the middle of everything. You can see out, but no one or thing can see in, and you can't get out of the box on your own. What do you do?  (Note: song in progress. When completed, I will upload a chapter:) )

So you have some variety. Take the dare and write about one of them. Or more than one if you want:)

Okay. So here's a mini version of would you push the button.

You could meet and become the companion of The Doctor (or your favorite fandom character but probably the Doctor) who is your favorite doctor and you will travel with him forever


You will fall in actual love with him and not fangirl love, but he will never love you ever. Like EVER. EVER.

Do you push the {blue} button?

You could know exactly who your true love is


You would have to be apart for 20 years before you could meet.

Do you push the button?

You become a wizard and are accepted to Hogwarts.


After going, you would have to get a job as a secretary cataloguing muggle items and then after have to always work at McDonalds and would have to stand by the road advertising McDonalds wearing a goofy tutu made of actual French fries, regardless of your gender. (Oh the things I think of they're sometimes disturbing)

Okay. So imma go try to sleep now. Remember to comment or vote!


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