"Chelsea?" I questioned as my body began to feel especially cramped and heated. "I think I might...need...n..." I trailed off as my body began to shut down against my own will.
"This is...horrible."

I could hear a soft feminine voice as my eyes fluttered open. I was lying down on something...rough. It hurt my skin. I could see Chelsea above me. Was she removing my clothes? I felt on fire. Hot. Cold.

"Chelsea?" I choked out, as she looked down at me. A look of relief coming across her stressed features.

"Yes?" She questioned, as she fiddled with my clothing.

"What...are you doing?" I asked her slowly, trying to overcome the horrid pain...just to speak!

"I do not know where King Sirus is so in trying to relieve you myself. I'm putting you in a warm bath. It will help with your cramps," she announced. "Can you get up?"

After about four attempts to get me into the washroom...we had managed to submerge my body in the warm liquid. It did not help me though. Not at all.

"Chelsea," I shook. "P-please find a healer. S-someone. I can't deal with this pain. Please," I begged her. My stomach began to rack itself with cramps, making me bring my knees up to my naked chest. "Please! Do not come back until you find someone!" I said before a son left my lips. I do not know what is wrong with me!

After about a quarter of an hour of crying and attempting to stop myself from throwing up the contents of my stomach, I began to give up. I would die from this unsettling, unknown pain in my stomach.

At the sound of the deep, rumbling voice...my heart skipped a beat. I had not even heard him come in.

"You are not feeling well?"

I had no energy to even say anything rude or sarcastic to Sirus. My body felt as if it were getting over a brutal beating. The slightest movement or touch...making it extremely uncomfortable...almost sore.

"You...heard correctly," I ducked in a shaky breath, as pain enveloped my body once more. "I...I think I am sick," I shuddered, keeping my back towards him.

"I know what is wrong with you," he said in a quieter voice. I felt the warmth of the towel...then his fingers. I cried out. Where the towel touched it felt as if I had just gotten whipped. Sore and tender.

"What...are you doing?" I asked, as he gently scooped me up in his arms. He had not seen me naked...in a few weeks. I was completely exposed. I was in such an odd engagement of pain...I could not even protest.

He set me gently on the bed and began to wipe the water from my body. When his skin would brush against mines...I felt a small amount of relief. "What is happening to me?" I asked him again, as his hand gently smoothed down the valley of my breasts. I exhaled loudly...the feeling like a cool cloth on a fevered forehead.

"Heat," he announced. "I had no idea...that you would go through heat. Most human mates don't...I am guessing since I am the king...my saliva and blood so pure that it has tricked your body into thinking you are a were. It has happened...before," he said absent mindedly. His hands smoothed over my breasts now, making moans slip from my mouth.

I had no idea what he as saying...his hands were speaking to me...and I needs them to be louder. "Okay..." I said tightlipped. Words that I never thought I would say were on the tips of my tongue. "Heat...that is what I am feeling...but when you touch me it cools," I tried to explain to him as the burn began to intensify.

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