~His Son~

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Baekhyun's P.O.V.

I was aware of what I had done to the queen, it caused many people to get shocked and even dispise me as well. As a king it is my duty to protect my nation and by doing that, I should protect my own family, my own betterhalf and son first...

Maybe I wasn't fit enough to be someone such as a king, maybe I was just blinded by the power that I could get if I have such position like this... maybe this is the reason why Prince Jonghyun rejected the crown at first.... I was wrong.... and I know how much hatred and pain I've caused my queen...

"My King"

Eunch Minseok appeared before me as he then entered my chamber, I ordered him to come here as I have to ask him certain things most certainly about the queen.

"Where's the gueen? Is she inside her chamber?"

"According to her court ladies, she went out of the palace for a walk maybe to visit some people close to her and according to the queen, she wants to be alone for a while"

"No one's with her? No court ladies, palace guards, court ladies or even Prince Chanyeol?" I asked with my voice quite hardened, it's very much dangerous for her to go out the palace as we still have many enemies waiting to attack in any time, she should be protected as she is the queen of the nation.

"Forgive me your majesty but I have no idea, the queen strickly ordered her people not to tell anything aside from that" Eunch Minseok added as he gave me an apologetic and polite bow.

Taeyeon is quite a trouble maker and disobeys rules, sometimes she follows rules but there are many times that she doesn't. It was quite hard for her to deal with me, with all the palace ladies and of course the problem we have in this palace. Even if Taeyeon grew up in a very simple and calm environment, she grew up to be a very beautiful lady and is also a leader in any aspect of her life. She tends to be a leader, a wise thinker and a helper in any problem not only the palace but also the villagers have. She has a kind heart... and that is why I have no idea what made me broke her...

"Where's the crowned prince? Is he with her?" Chanyoung is the most important person here in the palace, if I'll die or just give up my throne he should be there to receive it whether he likes it or not, he should be protected at all cost even if it means lossing my life...

"He's playing at the main hall my King"


Small and beautiful laughters were heard as I slowly went to the main palace hall where a wide space welcomes you, you can play different kinds of games here or might as well practice archery and swordsmanship. Chanyoung is looking so happy as he then started shooting the arrow like a pro, he looks very cool in his chose sport as it'll make him focus more and improve his ability.


The court ladies surrounding the crowned prince suddenly turned to me as they heard my voice calling out... for my son. They gave me a polite bow once they saw me and hurriedly tried to talk to the crowned prince for him to know about my presence.

"Crowned Prince, the king is calling you, your father is calling you" Court lady Miyoung softly called the prince but the latter one didn't stop from picking the arrow and shooting it on the target.

"He's not my father"

It seems like my heart broke multiple times just as he said those words before me. It pains me to hear such heart breaking words from a person whom I call 'mine' or 'my son'. But maybe it was my fault, maybe I was the reason why his heart turned to stone... maybe he's just like me... hating me.... hating myself...

"Crowned Prince Chanyoung!" Everyone hissed at the crowned prince just as he mentioned those words, they were all surprised to hear such dark and heavy words coming from their crowned prince who is just a kid.

"If he trully is my father then he wouldn't have hurted my mom, he would've protected her instead of doing this to her"

Pain. Maybe this is what they call internal pain, maybe this is what they call heartbreaking... maybe this is how it feels, it seems like it's slowly killing you inside and you can't do anything at all to stop the pain from getting stronger and stronger...

"Chanyoung-ah, can you come to me? I'm asking you not as yout father but as a king, I want you to come to me"

With a soft voice, I called out to my son, but he obeyed as I am the king. He took a deep breath and slowly walked towards me as I kneeled down before him for my height to be the same with his. He stood before me as I ordered all the court ladies and the eunch I have to disperse for a while as I'm going to have a private talk to my son, they obeyed and soon enough, we were now alone.

I stared at his eyes, his eyes that were full of life, happiness and beauty. His eyes that makes him very handsome and appear more friendly than he looks, it's his eyes that's very much different from mine... because he has his mother's eyes. An eye that can't come from me as it's filled with love and compassionate, an eye that makes people fall in love...

"You got your mother's eyes, and they're really beautiful"

Maybe the rumors are right, that Taeyeon's eyes are indeed beautiful and fearsome because if you'll stare directly in her eyes, you'll not turn to stone, but instead, you'll fall in love with her over and over again. She has such beautiful eyes and maybe the people who started those rumors are just envious of her...

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to act and be a father to you because of the selfish reasons I have, I'm sorry if I wasn't able to take care of you and awknowledged you as mine from the start"

Chanyoung didn't speak a word and just lowered his head to me, it pains me to see my son looking so terrified and nervous to stand before me. He's scared of me, his own father, because I hurted someone special in his life, his mother... my queen...

"I know that you're really scared of me now, you're scared of your own father and I'm really really sorry for everything"

I held my son's hand and stared directly in his eyes, he looked at me with teary eyes and started crying as certain words came out of his lips. I regret everything... I regret hurting her... I regret choosing someone else than my queen... the one I love...

"What wrong did my mother ever did to you for you to hurt her like that? What sin have I done for you to not to awknowledge me as yours? I know may be young to ask these things to you but it pains me to see my mom crying or is in pain, I know that she was just pretending that she's happy that nothing hurts but I know, that you're already hurting her too much"

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