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Songyi's P.O.V.

"Dwejebi Mama, you need to eat please. The Queen wouldn't be glad if she sees you in this state" My King, Jungwoo, keeps on visiting me in my chamber almost everyday because of my refusal to eat and drink anything.

Ever since Queen Taeyeon's disppearance, I began to worry a lot and become weak, all I can do inside my chamber is worry and worry. That I wish the Queen is safe and is in the right hands, that one day she'll comeback and finally fix the problems in this palace. King Baekhyun forbid me to go out of my chamber unless it's Jungwoo's request.

"Dwejebi Mama!" I got alarmed when I heard Court Lady Seohyun calling my name, in panic Jungwoo stood up and made a protective stand infront of my almost lifeless body. It pained me to see my King looking at me and almost crying because of my current state. He's still protecting me although he knows that I'm still going to die eventually because of this sickness.

"Songyi Mama" A familiar voice called me as my chmber's door began to open, Jungwoo looked at me in surprise as he slowly walked beside my lying body and slowly sat me up. I raised my head and saw none other that the Queen I missed.

"Queen Taeyeon" The current Queen kneeled infront of me as she held my pale face and almost cold skin. She was tearing up but it seemed like she just got back today.

"What happened to you? Why are you sick? Didn't I told you to take care of yourself?" Tears began to furriously ran down from her eyes as she gave me a tight and warm hug.

"Don't mind me, I'm just happy that you're back"

"I missed you Dwejebi Mama" The Queen smiled while still holding my hand, I'm happy she's back.

"You're finally back, our Queen is now back" I uttered in triumph in which all my court ladies and some of the soldiers outside were all shouting in glee.

"And I might say I also have two surprises for you" The late king and I looked at her in confusion as she just gave a signal to one of her court ladies, they cleared a path as a beautiful maiden appeared with a smile.

"Princess Juhyun" Tge Queen greeted which sent me in shock, one of my court ladies appeared yesterday to tell me something about my lost daughter but the King called all my court ladies not to inform anything to me while they'll still trying to figure if she's just an impostor or if she's the real Princess.

"Juhyun? My daughter is here?" I stared infront of me as my daughter slowly sat down and bowed politely.

"Dwejebi Songyi" Her voice was very sweet and melodic at it already brings me to tears.

"Juhyun my daughter! You're here!" I held her hand and she smiled warmly at me, she's my daughter. My lost daughter the late king and I were searching for. Her eyes tells me that she's really my daughter.

"It was nice meeting you, Eommoni" Juhyun spoke.

"How did you find her?" I turned to the Queen who just gave my daughter a very comfortable smile, Juhyun must've known the Queen to act comfortably with the Queen by her side.

"I was engrossed in reading the criminal records in the library that Court Lady Miyoung accidentally got, then a piece of evidence was placed between the pages of the book. It was a thorn piece of clothing that I believe is from the royal highness, I then ran away from the palace with the help of Prince Jongin and Prince Chanyeol who knew my secret right from the start"

"Princess Juhyun was my teacher's adoptive daughter, she was found in the forrest, crying when she was still a baby. My teacher took her and treated her like their own daughter and that's when I found her"

"Thank you Queen Taeyeon, I will really treasure the gift you've given me today" I gave her a hug but it was still a bit hard for me to move and move so I just remained sitting while the Queen gladly embraced me.

"That's not all Dwejebi Songyi, Queen Taeyeon has another surprise for you" My newly found daughter, Princess Juhyun said. I looked at Queen Tayeon in question but she just held my hand and smiled.

"Chanyoung, you can enter the chamber now" The Queen announced as I waited for the 'Chanyoung' to enter my chamber, theb suddenly all my court ladies began to bow as we heard footsteps slowly nearing us. Then that means, 'Chanyoung' is someone grater than them.

"Chanyoung" A little boy appeared infront of me as he made a great bow infront of me and the late King, he was on his knees and bowed deeply to honor us.

"Queen Taeyeon" He uttered, the Queen just smiled and stared at me for a long while. I can sense that he's nervous but anxious at the same time.

"Annyeonghaseyeo Dwejebi Mama, I am... the crowned Prince, Prince Chanyoung imnida" He stopped momentarily to stare at the Queen and continued his phrase, everyone in my chamber smiled as the Queen came back, not only with my daughter but also with a child who will surely bear the throne. This kid... is the kid I saw in my dreams. He'll be the saviour of the whole kingdom.

"Oh, my dear grandson" I pulled the Crowned Prince in my arms as he then also did the same, Queen Taeyeon looked at the late King and bowed as a sign of respect. My King sat down beside me as he then took the next in throne from my embrace as the Queen and I decided to have a small talk.

"Because of that, you will need to be healthy Dwejebi Mama, hmm?" I'm so happy that tears were already running down my face, all the wishes I've wished all came true. The Queen is back, I finally found my child and the royal Prince in my dreams safely welcomed this world. But how can he, a little Prince just change anything?

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