9: Lingering Nightmares

Start from the beginning

The doors opened and knights in black armor came in, but Celleya didn't care. She couldn't get her eyes off the smirking devil in front of him, nor can she stop herself from hearing those words over and over again.

"I never, ever cared for you."

That did it. Tears poured down from her eyes uncontrollably. Her world is in shatters. The closest person to her just revealed that he was just using her.

The little girl looked down, then she smiled, then laughed, and laughed. As she was being dragged outside the palace, she never stopped. Even after she got thrown outside the kingdom itself, she still laughed.

When there's problem, you just laugh it all off, and it'll be gone, right?

Wind started to pick up around her, and rain poured hard like a waterfall. After her sniffles and giggles, a thunder would roar behind her. But she wasn't scared, it was just her powers acting up again with her emotions.

And she can control it nicely.

"Sitri... Why?" Celleya cried one last time.

=≠Flashback End≠=

Sitri woke up with a start. After leaving Ani with the fallen angel Reya, he decided to take a nap at the infirmary. He wasn't scared that he wouldn't wake up if Ani ever need her, since he's really a light sleeper. But that was the least of his concerns now.

"My little sister..." Sitri said to himself.

Sitri remembered his sister, Celleya. She and Sitri were really close back then, when Celleya was just a child. They would often play at the park, then go walking around the city in the underworld. Celleya really loved him, and Sitri too.

Then that day came, and he betrayed her. He remembered the tears, her pained face, her anguish and despair. He was surprised she never bad-mouthed him back then, but she might have been just too shocked to even care. It was one of his darkest moments in life, and he would never forget that.

'It had to be done, Sitri.' The demon king tried convincing himself. 'Perhaps, that was my punishment for the things that I've done before. I had to exile my own sister.' Sitri thought bitterly.

Then, an explosion rang out just outside the school. Four huge monsters we're currently fighting at the center of the city.

"This night gets more eventful and eventful." Sitri said, looking at the window.

But what made his eyes widen, was the storm in the sky. He remembers that wind, that rain, that thunder.

'Celleya!' Sitri thought as he teleported towards the center of the city.


(A few minutes earlier)

"Death Gale." Celleya said while pointing her palm towards Mabelle. A black crescent shaped wind appeared from her hand. It was huge, just a bit smaller than a ten wheeler truck.

Mabelle gritted her teeth, as she conjured a magic circle in her right hand. "Ability activate! The Forbidden One!" Mabelle activated her ability. "I summon thee! Hail of the Thousand Shields!" A knight with the size of a building appeared from the ground, wearing a golden armor and a huge double shield. Celleya's attack collided with Mabelle's defense, resulting in a huge explosion.

When the smoke cleared, both girls was revealed to be unscathed, but Mabelle's familiar is gone.

"What do you want?! I do not know you!" Mabelle yelled.

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