Chapter 6: The Plan

Start from the beginning

Ginny and Hermione looks at me from under their lashes, and finally, they both nod.

I slump back into my seat, barely even eating my waffles for lunch. Finally, we pay and leave.

"Crap," Hermione says, once we are outside.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I have to be at the Ministry in five minutes," she says quickly, taking out her wand. "I'll see you guys later!" She says, Dissapparating.

"What time is it, anyways?" Ginny asks me.

"Uh... One o'clock, why?" I tell her.

"Damn, I gotta go to. The Holy Head Harpies told me to stop by, so, I''m sorry, bye!" Ginny says, hugging me.

"Good luck!" I call to her, right before she dissappears.

I sigh. What to do now?

"Sarah!" I hear my name being called.

I turn around, and see Draco walking towards me.

"Hey," I say, hugging him.

"What's wrong?" he asks me.

"Nothing," I lie.

"Now really. What's wrong?" he asks again.

I sigh. "I've come to the realization that I have no right to hate Verity, but that I should be mad at Ron."

"Why, though?" he asks, leading me to a bench.

"Because, Ginny and Hermione said that they same the two of them snogging about a month after I left. That means it only took him a month to get over me! How much could I mean to him if it only took him a month to get over me!" I say angrily.

Draco puts his arm around my shoulders. "I have an idea," he says suddenly.

I sigh. "Draco, I will not be your fake girlfriend."

He rolls his eyes. "Don't worry, that wasn't my plan. But I'm taking offense to that."

I smile. "It'd be weird. Besides, you used to date my sister," I laugh.

"I didn't forget that, don't worry," he laughs too.

"Anyways, what's your plan, now?"

"My friend's going to be in town soon. He's visiting me in a couple of days, and I'd say that Weaslebee would hate him," Draco says.

"Well, what's he like?" I ask.

"To guys that don't know him, he could be a total arse. But to girls, he's nice," Draco shrugs. "He likes Quidditch, especially Puddlemere, he's crazy, like you, and... I dunno, you'll have to meet him."

"Is he... cute?" I ask with a smile.

"I don't judge guys, Sarah," Draco days, crinkling his nose. 

"What are girls opinions of him, then?"

"He's had quite a few girl friends," Draco replies.

"Is he a man whore?" I ask. 

"No. He's never had more then one girlfriend at a time, if that's what you're worried about," he says.

"Awesome. What's his name?"

"Jason Leprince," he answers. "He's a year older then us, though."

"I don't mind. I dated Oliver Wood, remember? He's three years older than us," I say with a laugh.

Draco grins. "I almost forgot about that, actually," he laughs.

"Now Draco, I know you. What do you want in return?" I ask, being serious.

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