Here To See Me?

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"Raine come on open your eyes. Please wake up."

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know."

The voices I was hearing were muffled, but I could mostly make out what they were saying. Who the voices belonged to, on the other hand, was a mystery to me. I, unsuccessfully, tried to open my eyes. More muffled voices filled my ears along with the sounds of beeping machines and doors being opened and closed. The smell of cleaning chemicals filled my nose mixed with the smell of blood. I tried to open my eyes again, but they wouldn't budge.

"Has she found her mate yet?" one of the original voices asked "If so she needs them desperately."

A sharp pain shot through my entire body making one of the many machines I was now hooked up to go off. I wanted to cry out, scream, anything really, but I couldn't move. I don't know what the cause of the pain was, but whatever it was it was breaking my heart along with my wolf's. The answer to that person's question was yes, I've found my mate. But he wouldn't come, he probably didn't know what had happened to me. Hell, I doubt he would care if he did.

"We're losing her! She's losing a lot of blood."

Everyone's voices started to fade and my other senses were starting to fade as well. It wasn't long until I was greeted by nothing but darkness. I don't know how long I stayed like that. It could have been minutes or it could have been days. But when the darkness left I was grateful that the shooting pain left with it. The smell of cleaning chemicals once again filled by nose no longer accompanied by the smell of blood. I did, however, smell the scent of another wolf. It wasn't Elijah, but it was someone who was high ranked. Slowly but surely my senses were coming back. I could feel a bed beneath me and a hand holding mine. I could hear the steady beeping of a machine next to me and the steady breathing of whoever it was in the room with me.

"Raine please wake up." Someone asked. I recognized the voice but my head hurt too much to try and figure out who it was.

I once again tried opening my eyes, curious to see the one next to me. I stopped myself when the smell of my mate filled the room. The grip on my hand tightened as the scent grew closer. I smelt the scent of another female wolf mixed with Elijah's and my heart broke more.

"How is she doing?" A female voice asked with fake concern.

"The doctors say she'll be okay." The one holding my hand stated.

It was Elijah who spoke next "But...?"

"But they say that without her mate she won't heal as fast as she's supposed to."

The girl spoke again "what do you mean?"

The one holding my hand started to let go but with whatever strength I had I tightened my grip. Whoever it was they were keeping me calm.

"When you find your mate and get injured to this extent, without them your wolf becomes so weak that they can't heal you." He said through gritted teeth.

I started trying to open my eyes again, only this time I was successful. My eyes were assaulted by the bright lights in the hospital room I was in. I had to blink a few times before everything came into focus.

"Raine!" someone to the side said.

I looked over and saw Jonathon sitting next to the bed holding my little hand in his big one.    "Jo-" I tried to say his name but my throat was so dry that I could hardly get out the first letter. He immediately held up a straw to my lips so I could take a drink of water. I welcomed the cold liquid that ran down my throat.

"Thank you." I told him, my voice still quiet and kind of scratchy.

He nodded eyes full of worry and questions. I tried to sit up but a pain in my side stopped me, I let out a groan of pain as I laid back. "Hey, try not to move. Your injured pretty badly." Jonathon said.

I still hadn't looked at Elijah or the woman he was with and this seemed to irritate him. He quite loudly cleared his throat causing both Jonathon and I to look at him. I refused to meet his eye so I decided to look at the woman he brought in. It was none other than the girl he is in love with. The girl who probably had absolutely no idea that I was his mate. The girl who will most likely never know the truth about Elijah and I. It was Rose.

"Hello Raine." Elijah said.

"Hello sir, you're probably here for Jonathon." I said letting go on Jonathon's hand which made him tense up whilst simultaneously making Elijah relax.

Rose let out a small giggle in attempt to get rid of the tension that hung in the air. "No silly," she said in the nicest sounding voice she could muster "we're here to see you."

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