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"Hmm, what should I wear?"

"Ooo this is cute" the brunette told himself as he grabbed a grey oversized sweater with an alien on the top right side.

"What skirt should I wear with it?" he asked himself, small perfectly tanned hands running through his collection of mostly pastel skirts that he absolutely loved.

      "This one should look great with this sweater" the small boy said to himself smiling as he pulled out a pastel galaxy skirt.

       He put on the grey oversized sweater that had an alien on it. After that, the pastel galaxy skirt. He was questioning whether to tuck in his sweater or leave it on top of his skirt today. He usually tucked his sweater in his skirt, so he decided it would look best if he did so with today's outfit. He felt like he was missing something so he went back in his closet and looked around at his mostly pastel clothes. He went to his drawer that he had only for his thigh highs and looked through them.

   "Should I wear black thigh highs? Wait no maybe grey thigh highs?" Tyler asked himself, looking through his large amount of beautiful thigh highs.

    "Maybe white thigh highs? Purple? Pink? Blue? Ooo maybe baby blue would look nice with my outfits today" the beautiful small boy told himself as he eyes landed on some pastel baby blue thigh highs. He grabbed them and slipped them over his small feet. He pulled them up and let go of them when they reached his mid thigh. He stood up off of his bed that had pastel pink covers and walked across his room to his mirror. He looked at himself, admiring the outfit that he had picked out for himself today. He went to his pastel purple dresser and put his hand on the little knob. He slid it open and looked at his collection of flower crowns. He didn't know which one to wear today or if he should even wear one at all. His soft, brown eyes caught a glimpse of a white flower. He shoved his small delicate hand to the flower crown with the white flower and grabbed it. He pulled it out only to see that it didn't just have white flowers. It also had light, mint green and pastel purple flowers on it. He was very pleased to see that because his outfit had those colors. He walked over to his mirror again and put the beautiful pastel flower crown onto his head, atop his soft brown fluffy hair. He was very happy to see such a beautiful outfit on his fragile, slim frame. He loved it. He walked to his closet and went to the corner where all of his shoes were. He grabbed a pair of vans skate highs that had a galaxy pattern on them. He put them onto his small, baby blue thigh high covered feet and tied the white, clean shoe laces.

    Tyler went to grab his white backpack from next to his bed and put it on. He was excited for today. Him and Josh had admitted their feelings for each other yesterday. They even texted for six hours. He was excited for what was to come.

       He quickly went to his desk and grabbed his phone and earphones. Taking one last look in the mirror, he decided that he was ready for today. He grabbed his door knob and twisted it,  pulling it open, he stepped out of his room and closed the door again. He walked downstairs to the kitchen.

      "Good morning, Tyler" his mother greeted him as she took a sip from her dark green coffee mug.

        "Good morning, mom" Tyler greeted back, walking to the fridge. He looked through it and grabbed a strawberry drinkable yogurt and chugged it. He threw the bottle away and went to the bathroom to brush his beautifully imperfect teeth. Once he finished he walked back into the kitchen and sat down.

        "Why are you in a rush? You still have forty minutes before school starts" his mother questioned him.

    "I'm not but I made a new friend so I'm going to try to hang out with them before school starts" the small boy informed his questioning mother shyly.

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