Chapter 9- Toodles Hell

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I swing my leg over the back of the chair to face Chelsey. I whip my head back towards the teacher, still facing Chesley, and see my English teacher putting boxes into a large cupboard.

I turn back to Chesley and stick out my arm on the table. I rest my elbow flat against the table, whilst keeping my forearm near vertical.

She turns towards me, making the same position with her arm and holds onto my hand.

"Ready, set, go." I say. We both instantly begin to push our hands against each other. I keep pushing her hand until it touches the tacky wooden table.

"Haha! Yes, beat ya!" I say, triumphant.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Ky. Everyone knows you are like the strongest in our friend group, I mean hell! You can even beat Jase!" She says matter of factly. Well, she is true. Out of all of our friends I am the strongest. And then it would be Al, then Nicky...or Jase than Al then Nicky.

I whip my head around, causing my hair to fling 'round and hit me in the face. I peer over at our temporary teacher, Mr Jenkins. He eyes off the cluster of students in the corner, all hovering over a phone.

"Alright, there's definitely something sketchy happening over in that corner. Ok let's brake that up, brake it up." Mr Jenkins gestures to the group.

They all deeply sigh and brake up. Damn their relationship sucks! Can't even stay together for one period.

I swing back round on my chair, with Lacey on my right. I look up at Sir from under my eye lashes to make sure he wasn't watching us. Luckily, his prying eyes were still on the dodgy looking group of year sevens. I sneak my eyes down to my bag, laying peacefully underneath me, and sneak my phone out.

Yes, we are allowed our phones out, but if I do, it'd ruin my 'good girl' cover. I swipe up to the camera on my crappy iPhone 4s and start getting random snaps of Alex, Nicky, Chelsy, Lacey and a couple of Jase. I find the most messed up looking photos of Al and shove my phone in front of her unexpected face.

"I can capture everyone's inner beauty." I tell her proudly.

Her face scrunched up in disgust "ew that's me?!" She says appalled. "Do I get a medal for being the worlds fugliest person alive?" She asks eagerly.

"No, because that award already goes to me." I tell her casually. She laughs, smiles and turns away. All you needed now to be a cringy bit in a movie would be a hair flick. Wait, no scratch that. She beat me to it. She neatly flicks her pony tail over her shoulders.

"Al, could you be more petty?" I question her through a forced grin. She looks in deep concentration, then casually shrugs. She stealthily leans over the table behind her and steals Nicky's phone.

"Hey! That's my phone!" Nicky exclaims.

"Yeah well...not anymore it's not." Alex smirks cheekily. She glances at Nicky, quickly swiping up into the camera, before chucking the iPhone at my face. I hold my thumb against the button, spamming her phone with thousands of photos...literally.

Nicky tries to swipe her phone out of my hand but I dodge her swing. I jump up and out of my seat, unaware of the new presence behind me. Nicky swings at the phone again but I bring my hand up next to my ear to keep spamming.

The phone clenched in a death lock in my fist connects with something hard. It clatters to the floor, never the less unharmed. I quickly bring down my fist and spin around, to see Mr Jenkins holding a hand to his now bleeding nose. Jeez and to think I didn't even put that much power in the punch.

"I am so sorry, sir!" I exclaim. I ran over to the teachers desk at the front of the classroom to grab the tissue box. I hurry back over to the group and push a pile of tissues into his hand.

I look over at Alex to see her trying so hard not to laugh. Crap. This is not good. A few giggles get out before I elbow her in the stomach. I continually mutter apologies to sir before he walks away back to his desk.

I look around at all my friends with eyes so wide they are nearly popping out.

"Jesus Christ." Chealsy yells before bursting into the loudest fit of laughter I'd ever heard. Then, we all begin to laugh and honestly just could not stop until I could feel my face cooling down because through that whole situation it felt like it was actually on fire. I call it fire-face-syndrome. And sadly...there is no cure. *sigh*

The bell rings shortly after and we all exchange goodbyes and head on our way to freedom...well at least for 6 weeks.

"Toodles." Rach screams in our ears as we enter the 'River of Students'



Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I've been rly inactive lately! I haven't even been that busy lately so I don't know why I didn't update my chapters. Anyway, I hope that u enjoyed this chapter!
As always,
From Lily xx

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