Chapter 4-Wagging for the Teacher

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It's already Wednessday. Yesterday my teacher called me, Nicky, Alex, Lacey, Chelsy and Rach out of the classroom. At first I though we were in trouble, but then my teacher told me and the girls that we had to help set up for a mini film festival. Or at least that's what she called it!

Haha that's what she said!! No, I'm sorry that doesn't even make sense! I just had to say it! So haters, back off!!!


"Ok so Ms said to meet her at the auditorium after roll call, right?" Nicky questions, Well...kinda questions.

"Yeah that sounds about right." I answer,and shrug.

"Alright let's get through this boring as hell roll call, and then we're off!" Rach cheers.

She sees a boy in our class and yells to him "Enjoy maths!" And mutters under her breath "suckerrr", than walks back over to Nicky and starts up a convosation.

-- After roll call--

"Alright guys, lets'a go!"  I wave them over.

Then we all notice Alex is missing. *sigh*, how could she forget we're wagging for the teacher??

"Ugh, where's Alex?!" Chesley sighs. See, I'm not the only one who sighs in this world!!

Yes you are.
What? Why are you here?
Well...I'm never gone!
Ugh go away!
Fine miss bosy boots!!
Thank you! Now where was I before I was rudely interrupted?!

On right! Alex disappeared! We all turn to our science class room to see if we can see her.
"I'll go find her!" Rach says enthusiastically. We all nod and make our way to the auditorium. Once we're there, who do we see? The one and only.....ALEX!!!!!!

"Where were you?! We were looking all over for you!!" I shout at her because we're still a bit apart.

"I was here, and it's nice to know that you guys think about me!" She replies happily. We all dramatically sigh. See what I did with all? I know right! Pretty damn awesome!!

We wait for Rach to come back and then walk in. The squad and I walk over to the stage and jump onto it. Some needed to push themselves up onto it with their hands, but as for me...I'm so awesome I don't need to *proud face*!!!

We all wait for our teacher to come (which to be honest, took like five minutes!!). She walked in with a large blue bag in one hand and a black smaller-ish bag in her other. She ushers us over and we go. Let the wagging begin.


Hey everyone,
I'm sorry if u think that the chapters r rly small, but I'm just getting rly board writing long or long-ish chapters, coz I just feel like they go on forever and ever and ever and ever, yeah u get the point. Umm, like always I hope u guys enjoyed this crazy turkey book!! Oh! And I saw this crazy, funny, serious, weird quote on 'That nerd'. U guys should rly read that book coz it's soooooooo good!!!! And yeah so the quote was 'you can do anything, but not everything.' And I just thought it was cool.And plz



And all that crazy stuff!!

From Lily!! To the next time! And I'm going to start doing a book of the week, or recommendation ;b

Book Of the Week:
That Nerd

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