Chapter 2-The Day

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I wake up that morning facing my wall. My quilt is in a mess around me. I slowly untangle myself rolling over to look at my clock, it read 6:18am.  I just lay there,until it reads 6:29, then out of no where a screeching fills the air. I cover my ears with my hands and race out of bed. My hand collides with the off button, extinguishing the schreach, then I remember what day it is. Monday. The first day of term 4. I heave a heavy sigh and my grandma's head popes into the door way.
"Good morning Kylie!" She said to cheerfully to be human at this time of morning. I grunted in response and began to drag my feet downstairs.

I waddled to the pantry and got out some crunchy nut. Then poured the last bit of milk into my bowl....then waddled right back over to the table. I carefully placed my delicious breaky onto the wooden table, and plopped into the chair with a 'thud'.

I shoveled my soggy crunchy nut into my mouth, before racing upstairs to get changed. Once I was in my room, I flung open my closet. I pushed to the side all my dresses and other hanging clothes, scrapping the metal hangers on the metal bar. The result of this.......screeeeeccchhhhh! Yup. That's the sound of it screeching. I quickly get changed into my uniform and pack my bag. I tie my hair into a quick pony tail and put on lip balm. What? I get dry lips!

I hear James yelling out "Kylie lets go now!" I sigh in response, grab my bag and heard out of my bedroom door. I'm at the front door and then I realise "Oh dang!" and race back into my room, grabbing my phone from the charger and shoving it into my pocket. I sling my bag onto my back and make my way down to the car.

I leap into the 4-wheel drive and close the door behind me, placing my bag in between my feet. I get my phone out of my pocket and plug it into my earplugs. I rock out to my favourite beats consisting of: perfect strangers, finial song and alarm. I also listened to 'in my blood' by the Veronica's. All whilst James was giving me weird looks. I shift my position so that I was facing James, and begin to pull faces at him....until he pinched me, telling me we were at school.

I ungracefully jumped out of the car, and walked into school in my ankle length black converse. I reach the front gate and glance over my shoulder to see where James is. He infact is only a couple feet behind me. Strange, I couldn't hear his footsteps....probably because my music is pumping in my ears. I take out my earplugs and pause my music. Then, shove them into my pocket. I enter the main quad and look around. It feels like forever since I've been here. Not two weeks! Hell no! More like two years!

My footsteps echo around the quad as I look over to my morning cubie, and see a familiar face staring up at me. Jeez she should get paid for the crazy expressions she can pull!! My dearest friend Nicky! Pulling the goofiest expression I've ever seen. I couldn't stop the worlds biggest smile making its way up onto my face!!

Nicky took out her earplugs and greeted me, "Hey Ky, how was ya hols?"  I sat down next to her and replied,

"Hey Nicky, my holidays were great, I mean....anything is better than going to maths, ya know?" She laughed and than answered

"Yeah some people are just plain crazy.....not wanting to jump through the window in maths!" I had a laughing fit at her face; she had the most serious look on her face when she told me that!

"I know right? So, how were your hols?" I asked her.

"Um, you know. Same old, same old. Pretty much three things. Netflix. Eat. Sleep. The three most important things in life. And I had HEAPS of PLL (pretty little liar) marathons! They can get really deep sometimes!" She answered back.

"Well....I can't say I do know because,
1. I don't have Netflix
2. I have never seen a pretty little liars episode
And 3. .......well that's it." I told Nicky.

Nicky had a look of pure: shock. I look out into the quad and see three faces infront of me. Lara, Mackanzie and Jayden.
"Oh hey guys! I didn't even hear you coming! Probably cause someone over there was blabbering on about pretty little liars." I rolled my eyes at Nicky and turned back to the now laughing friends infront of me.

We all had a laugh discussing our holidays, school, and more....SCHOOL!!!!!!! I was waiting for my best friend to arrive for about half and hour, but then came someone from around the corner. I jumped up from my seat and rushed over to her.

"Hey Al!" I said enthusiastically. This was my best friend, Alexandra, but always went by Alex. Except I was the one exception, I got to all her Al.

"Hey Ky!" She replied with just as much enthusiasm. We were chatting away about our holidays with some of our other friends including: Rach, Chelsy, Lacey, Nicky and Jase. We were also talking about what school would be like without the year twelves. Honestly, I think it's weird that the year twelves don't stay for the last term, but hey, that's just me. We chatted happily till the bell went, beginning roll call.

Once roll call ended, my friends and I met up outside the gym, as the rest of year 7 poured out of the gym. We strolled over to our English room, for first period.

We waited patently in two lines for our teacher to arrive. Yes it's a bit childish, but it's affective! Now everyone can still use the hall ways even with us taking up most of it. Then, our teacher arrives. Ms Villion.

She wasn't a bad teacher, hell! She was a pretty damn good one! I just feel sorry for her. Having to teach my class. I mean, I'm in it, now that's a plus...but some others ish, not such a plus. In my class we have two of the worst kids in the year. Brod, and Dylan. They never do their work and I pretty sure they both have a life goal to ruin everyone else's goals.

Me and my friends all took seats up the left side row and looked up at the board, occasionally turning around to talk to each other, resulting getting yelled at by the teacher.

The rest of the next two periods flew by really quickly and before I knew was lunch already! My best subject. And strangely, nothing over the top crazy has happened yet.....yet!


Shout out to all my friends reading this! I really hoped everyone is enjoying this book so far! Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit boring, but don't worry! There's going to be lots of cool stuff happening in the next few chapters! And please don't be harsh on the comments (that is if someone ever does comment!!) because I'm tired, it's 10:30 at night and yeah. Please,
From ya fav Lily!!

Everyday Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें