Chapter 8- Near Trip to Death

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I wake to the overly annoying ringtone I added as my alarm. This was no better then
Yeah, you get the point, it's really annoying!

I reach above my head, grabbing my phone, from the shelf above my head. I lazily open my eyes, groggily hitting the snooze button to the thing I hate....nearly as much as I hate One Direction...meh.

I remember I have to text Alex, to wake her up. I figure that I shouldn't wait till 6:30, like she asked me, so I spam her phone at 5:45. After around 30 texts she replies.

Yes Ky? Care to explain why you're waking me up at this inhumanly hour?

Because you told me to, so that you could get up on time, or something.

Huh, oh yeah. Didn't...didn't I say 6:30?

Pfft no!

Alright, whatever u say, just remember I'm gonna beat yo ass when we get to school

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHA  yeah, u could try! We both know you'll just end up with a dead arm and a couple of bruises.

Fuck u. Anyway, I'm gonna go have a shower now so cya Ky.


I sluggishly slip out of bed, sinking to my floor, because honestly, I feel like a slug this morning. Like, do you ever have those mornings where you literally feel like your legs are just glued to your comfy AF mattress? This is definelty one of those mornings.

I put on my fluffy dull blue dressing gown, and waddle over to the bathroom. I slip out of my clothes, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and turn on the hot water. I wash my hair, massaging the shampoo into my scalp. I sigh as my fingers massage all the stress away from my skin. Until a scorching pain emits from my eye.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! OH MY GOD......MMMMMM DAMN THAT HURTS!!!!!!" I yell as tons and tons of shampoo drips into my left eye. I push the shower door open, with my right hand, reaching for my towel. As my hand wraps around the towel, I thrust (jeez I love that word! Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrrrrrrrrust.) the towel into my eye.

I sigh and step back into the shower closing the door behind me. I finish washing out the shampoo, then put in half the tub-container-thing of conditioner in my hair.

Massaging it in my scalp, I let my hair fall past my shoulder blades. I choose than to shave and wash myself.

I swish my hair around my face, causing streaks of conditioner to run down my face. I step under the shower water, and massage the conditioner out of my scalp.

Trails of water contaminated with conditioner runs down my face, and into...MY LEFT EYE!!!!!!!!!!

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Seriously?! Againnnnnnnnn?!?!?! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" why does this always happen to me?! Seriously?!?! I do the same process of...thrusting the towel into my eye and get out of shower. I dry myself with the towel and dry my hair, letting it down so that it can air dry.

I tie myself into my dressing gown, and waddle back to my room again. I pop into my school uniform and tie my hair into a half pony tail letting the bottom half out. I pack my bag with my school stuff and head down to the kitchen for breaky.

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