Chapter 7- Halloween

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Ugh science test. Ugh test. Ughhhhhhhhhhh.

I stare at the sheet infront of me. My eyes keep going in and out of focus. Ugh, ugh, ugh! I close my eyes and open them again, focusing on the questions. 'How fast do carbine monoxide particles move in a 2 squared area?' I scrunch my eye brows at the question. When did we learn about particles? Probably when I was talking to Al 24/7.

I randomly circle answer d and move onto the next question. I'm too tired to do a test. Why do they torture kids in such a cruel manner?

I answer the last question and snap my booklet shut. I see Alex behind me. She's on the last question. She circles what I think was the same answer and closes her book shut too. I smile at her, waiting for the period to end.

---Halloween, school just finished---

I shove my maths book, text book and algebra work sheets into my bag. Ugh algebra is the worst! Algebra, you need to except that your x is gone and isn't coming back, I'm a teenager... not a freaking therapist!! Although, I don't suck at it, making it not the worst I suppose. Infact, out of all the topics we've done in maths so far...algebra is probably my favourite! Don't get me wrong, I hate maths with a passion...but out of: decimals, Roman numerals, fractions, percentages etc etc, I hate algebra the least.

I stand up, slinging my bag onto my shoulder. I look over at Nicky who was saying her 'cya' to Rach and Chelsey. I make my way to Nicky, smiling and saying 'bye' to Rach and Chesley. I look over my shoulder and see Alex packing up. She looks up and smiles at me. I smile back wavering a goodbye to her, turning my attention back to Nicky.

We walk out of the maths room door, with Jase and Lacey.

Lacey starts up a convosation with Jase, Nicky and I joining in half way though. We some how ended up talking about these weird tablets that make everything taste sweet.

"I saw on YouTube, that this one person had one of those tablets, drank vinegar, and said it tasted like caramel!" Lacey stated.

"Wow!! That's so weird! Haha that tablet would be one way to make kids eat their veggies." I joked. Everyone let out shouts of laughter..with me laughing at them! Wow, I'm such a great friend!!!

"Hmm. I wonder what bleach would taste like?" I turned the convosation to a serious note. Everyone looked at me weird with that 'what the hell?' look. Right at that moment a P.E teacher comes out of a door next to where we are walking through.

"Do I want to know what you guys were talking about??" She asks completely confused. I explain to her the entire convosation. To this, she laughs, shaking her head, walking away. Wow. Such a great response *note the sarcasm*!

Jase and Lacey head off to the bike shed. We all (Lacey, Jase, Nicky and all my other friends) were meeting up at Lacey's house for Halloween, between 3-9pm.

So, whilst Jase and Lacey were riding their bikes to Lacey's house, Nicky and I were walking. We start chatting and decide that we couldn't be bothered to walk actually, so we cheated....hehe. We caught Nicky's bus ;).

Once we were at Lacey's house, we found out that they weren't even home yet! So we waited....and waited. For like ten minutes! And finaly they got home and we take our stuff into Lacey's room. We talked and joked around for a hour... give or take.

After a while I decide to get changed into my clothes that I'm going to be wearing for 'trick or treating'. All I'm wearing was: a plain white top, dark blue jeans, and a red plaid shirt over the white one. I walk out of Lacey's ensuite and saw that Lacey was wearing her costume going as 'eleven' from 'stranger things', and Jase wearing black. Nicky slips past me, into the ensuite. I plonk myself onto Lacey's bed, and question the blonde-White wig in Jase's hand.

I gasp and shout "YOU SHOULD GO AS DONALD TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lacey bursts out laughing at me, yelling

"Oh my god!! Yess!!! He's so terrifying that it would be the best costume out of ALL of Australia!!"

"NO!!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!" Jase screams.

Nicky comes out and says "Say whettttttttt??" We laugh at her and I tell her how he should go as Donald dump...I-I mean trump haha.

I look at what she's wearing. She's wearing a long, and I mean long white shirt. It goes down to about...the bottom of her thigh. And under that she's wearing black leggings.

In her hands she has scissors and has a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Snip, snip" she says. Nicky cuts a random hole in her shirt.

"NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!" I literally scream at her. She looks up, completely shocked. I hold out my hand, silently telling her to hand over the scissors. She does so.....reluctantly.

I work my magic, with perfection! I cut, rip, fray and work my awesomeness. By the end it looks professionally done! It is ripped in the perfect spots, frayed at the perfectly ripped edges. It's just perfect!

Soon Alex and Chealsy arrive, already wearing their costumes, and I gotta say, they looked amazing!! Alex was a vampire, and Chealsy was...some bloody murder or something like that. But all in all, it looked fabulous!!

Alex, Jase, and Nicky needed some makeup done, so I did theirs after I did mine.

All i did for mine was: using red lip liner, I made it look like I slit my mouth, going up to my cheek bones. I then use my black eye liner to draw uneven stitches across the slits. Then, I steal some of Lacey's fake blood and put it in the comer of my left eye, making the effect that I was crying blood. I also decide to put fake blood on my shirt, making it look like a bullet wound. Then I put black eye shadow in the centre as if it was the bullet. My costume was pure awesomeness!!

I make Alex's bite mark look perfectly bruised and bloody..and kinda infected too. I did the same to Jase's but his wasn't as good. I then do scratches on Nicky's face, and put eye liner around the fake blood, making it look bruised too.

We trick or treat till about 9 o'clock pm. We all head back to Lacey's house. Nicky, Jase, Chealsy and my other friend from a different school Jordan, had to head home straight away.

Me, Alex and Bianca stayed at Lacey's till around 9:30. I pretend to be possessed. Not smiling, having unfocused eyes. Or staring at people and smiling evily. I tell Alex, and she kept giving me thumbs up. It was quite funny seeing how Lacey was getting a bit creeped out by how I was acting.

I drag Alex into Lacey's room, and sit on Lacey's bed. I stare at her, smirking. I stand up, walk over to her, lean in, and whisper in her ear 'while we were in Lacey's room, I just possessed you, so now act possessed.' She chuckles and nods, smirking at me. She walks out of the room, lifeless just like me.

We end up having a mini dance party with just the four of us. Alex and I still smirk at each other, unfocusing our eyes, being the lifeless souls we can be.

Sooner or later, my dad and James come to pick me up. I deeply sigh and clung onto Lacey for dear life.

"Come on Kyle hurry up already, I have a social life and reputation that I need to with hold." He sends dangers at me through his glare. I ignore his annoying nickname for me and slowly let go of Al. I thank Lacey for inviting me. I plop in the car and rest my head on the window, watching the world turn into a blur around me.


Heya guys! Sorry it took so long to update. I just could only be bothered to write a little bit at a time, except when it got to the weird tablet taste...part, thing.  I hope u enjoyed this chapter and it wasn't too boring. And FYI, that was actually what I wore for Halloween, and I did get to hack one of my friends shirts, and it looked amazeballs!! And I'm not joking, it was fab!!!! As always

From ya fav, Lily!!!

Book of the week:
Thicker than blood

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