Daddy Loves Mommy and Mommy Loves Him

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I woke up with Eddie  tangled up next to me in the sheets.  He looked so peaceful sleeping. Nothing to worry him. Like a child. Or a very attractive angel. I brushed some of his black hair out of his face. His eyes fluttered open. 
"Good Morning, darling." Eddie murmured before rolling over and wrapping his arms around me. 
" Eddie! Baby, I want to get some food! I am starving!!!" 
Mmmmfffff. Was the sound Eddie made in return. I didn't take that as a valid answer. Fine. I will find food myself.  I got out of my husband's arms and slipped out of bed. I stretched and stood on my tip toes. 
I wandered around until I found a kitchen. This one wasn't covered in Gore. Thank God. I just...i wonder.  I walked over to a stainless steel fridge. I cautiously opened it. To This must be how Eddie survived all this time.  I quickly began frying some eggs and bacon.
The smell must have wafted  to Eddie because he stumbled into the kitchen rubbing  the sleep out of his eyes. Adorable.
"Morning  sleepyhead." I called out to him.
"Good Morning, darling." Eddie cooed in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck. I grinned. I found a couple of trays and made us up some plates. Then I grabbed us some plastic silverware.
"It's not exactly homey...but..maybe we can make it a home?" I asked my husband.  Eddie paused from his good and looked at me.
"Is that what you want?"  He asked me.
"Yes." I said. "We can fix this whole place up! Make it our home."
Eddie thought about this for a moment.
"What about the bodies? What about the walrider?" He asked me.
"The what?"
"The walrider." He confirmed.
" the walrider is a God of sorts. Very violent. Possesses someone. It needs a host or it will die. It kills people that it deems immoral or unworthy of life." He said taking another bite of egg.
My face paled. "Will it hurt us?"
"I don't think so. We want to mAke this place something good. A house to raise a child. Our family. If anything it'll  help us."

Eddie Gluskin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now