Special Christmas Presents

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Valkyrie is 18 and Skulduggery is here a man. Not all the time but yes. Oh and sorry for a few spelling errors.

A man with a suit and Fedora was waiting for his partner at the beach. He looked annoyed at his watch. 24:05. When his partner was finally dived and stopped in front of him, he tilted his head slightly to the side. Valkyrie Cain looked innocent at her partner. "You're 5 minutes late, I thought we'd meet at midnight?" Asked the soft voice. "Sorry Alice did not want to let me go." She replied, smiling. "Just tell you was cold." Skulduggery just stared at her, then tense his arms. "No." Valkyrie's grin grew wider. "Give it to you is cold, I see it on your face." Skulduggery looked at her and moaned annoyed. He does not know why but he had to give her right. "Let's go for a walk, then we'll warm you up again." And went off. Skulduggery just said, "I never said that I'm cold." Valkyrie turned and went to him, "I believe you.", she said sarcastically. A while passed until the two talked again. "So." , Said Skulduggery after a long eternal silence. "Can I have my gift?" Valkyrie nodded and went to her Oompa Loompa (no idea how to write this car, but yes.😂) ,locked it up and took out a box. She locked again and went back to Skulduggery. Valkyrie noticed that he had a small box. Apparently he went to his car. Valkyrie presented his gift to Skulduggery. "Merry Christmas, Skul." Skulduggery opened his gift and became chalk-white. He took out his gift and came out a pink-colored Fedora. Valkyrie felt his ego slowly became smaller.

After a long time he found his language again and said: "Um ... thank you. For the hat, "Valkyrie had to stop laughing, so Skulduggery:" Well, it's your turn, turn around and close your eyes. " "What?" "Just do it." Valkyrie did as she was told. She turned around, closed her eyes, and felt something cold on her neck. "You can turn around and open your eyes again." She turned around and opened her eyes and looked down at herself, with a beautiful blue sickle moon necklace on her neck, "Like it?" ,asked Skulduggery. Valkyrie only looked at him and gave him a hug. "Better," she breathed, ,,It's beautiful." "Almost as beautiful as I." Valkyrie just laughed and said, "I'm almost sorry I gave you the pink Fedora." Skulduggery just smiled and said, "At least I have a hat for the carnival in the sanctuary." Both began to laugh and enjoyed the Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas to you all and a happy new year. OK. Now I feel like in my movie where this sentence is said. Lol

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