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Mon-El's POV
As I entered the bar and walked over to the short haired brunette I heard "hey Mon-El, where's Kara" the brunette which I now knew was Alex. "Uhg, I don't know why do you people expect me to know where she is at every second like I follow her around all the time, I'm not a puppy" I said bitterly to Alex I don't know why I got so angry I just was. "Ok ok,  don't have over react just wondering" She said before walking out of the bar. Angrily I sat down ordering whiskey the only drink that slightly calmed me down.
Kara's POV
As I ran towards Cat Co. needing to be there now I got a call I jl checked my phone it was Alex, why is she calling. I answered the phone as I ran in to the Cat Co. building almost missing the elevator. "What do you need I'm sort of in a hurry" I said to my sister. "We need supergirl" She said as the elevator dinged and she pressed the bottom floor again. "Can't you just call Mo... Mike" she said as she ran out the door of Cat Co. and in to an alley way changing in to her suit. "No he won't answer" she said. "Fine where is it" she said. "Fire" her sister rambled out the directions as Kara flew to the fire. Quickly using her ice breath to put out the fire then getting everyone out of the building then stabalize the shaking building with her super strength.
1 hour later
Mon-El's POV
As I stumbled into my room at the deo falling on to the cot I sleep on I here a banging on the door. "Open this door now, Mon-El" I heard  Kara yell. I stumbled to the door and opened it then Kara stomped in. "God, what's wrong with you" I said sarcasticly. "I had to be at work you know, I could've lost my job" she yelled. "And why am I getting yelled at for your faults" I said grabbing a bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet. "Because you weren't there" she screamed I could tell she was getting angrier luckily my room was sound proof so no one could hear it. "I wasn't where" I queistoned sitting on the cot and taking a swig of whiskey while watching her pace around the room glancing at me every few seconds which made my heart squeeze with want. "At the fire, your weren't at the fire to help when I needed to be at work" she screamed a bit on the last part. I could see tears streaming down her face as she sat down in a chair across the room. "Kara" I said rushing to her side I couldn't stand when she cried It made me hurt."Don't" she said shrugging away from my touch. "Why not" I said stroking her check the same way as I did before we kissed before. It all happened so quickly.
Shout out to you if you know where that last dialogue reference was from. And comment down bellow if you think you know what happens so quickly.😘

After The Kiss 😘Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant