Chapter 1 - Part 2: "Everything"

Start from the beginning

Natalie clapped loudly as Kate walked the runway one last time. Natalie was eager for the show to be over. She wanted to be supportive, but was pretty bored. Fashion shows were definitely not her thing, she had decided. She got up and wandered backstage to the buffet table, which was open to all models, crew and attendees, and munched on some appetizers as she waited for Kate.

Kate and Natalie stood around for a while, waiting for the show to start, chatting with other girls from the fashion show. When the show started, Kate had dragged Natalie up to the front of the stage. They were standing on the right in front of Taylor. She had VIP tickets of course, which allowed her into the special VIP area. Natalie appreciated this because it was much less cramped than the other sides of the stage, which was apparently called "This Time Around" as Taylor had mentioned more than once during their set.

As the set wore on, Natalie had a good view of Taylor, and had to admit he was really good-looking. Kate was right. All three of them had grown up a lot in the past two years. She began to get a little excited about talking to Taylor again, and when he caught her eye and smiled during If Only, she smiled back. Natalie noticed that Kate was definitely in her element. She spent the show dancing happily, and even singing along. Natalie was surprised. She hadn't known Kate even had Hanson's new album.

As the last chords of the encore faded out, Taylor and Isaac came up and joined hands, followed by Zac. They gave one last bow, and Zac threw his drumsticks into the crowd as he often did.

Now, if Natalie had been paying attention, instead of texting her friend Clara on her new cellular phone, she would have seen the drumsticks coming, headed towards her face. But she didn't. They hit her square in the face and clattered to the ground. She yelped and held her face.

"Owww." she muttered. Kate turned and saw Natalie holding her face. She immediately asked what had happened.

"He hit me with his drumsticks." Natalie mumbled, bending over and picking them up and handing them to Kate with disdain.

Natalie could tell Kate was trying not to laugh.

"Are you okay?" Kate asked.

"I'm fine." Natalie grumbled, taking out a small mirror from her purse and inspecting her face. It looked alright. She was lucky it hadn't hit her in the eye. Kate clapped and cheered as the guys left the stage. The lights came up and fans started leaving the area.

A large welt was forming on Natalie's forehead in the shape of a drum stick head. If Natalie hadn't been so upset, Kate may have laughed at how comical it looked. "Let's go get you some ice." Kate said, leading her friend gently backstage to the concession staging area.

"This is so embarrassing." Natalie grumbled, sitting down on a chair as Kate held an ice pack to her head. "I knew I shouldn't have gone to this show."

"Sorry." Kate said, frowning. "But hey, at least I got a fun souvenir!" she said, referring to the drum sticks. Natalie rolled her eyes, and took the ice pack from Kate.

"Why don't you go see if you can find Zac? I know that's what you want to do. I'm fine."

Kate smiled and hugged her friend. "Okay. I'll come get you when I can."

And with that, she was gone, headed to the green room.

Natalie sighed, and took out her phone. She texted her friend Clara in Atlanta:

[10:05 pm] Hey grrl. What R U up to? I'm still at the show.

Natalie sat glumly and waited for a response. When it became obvious that Kate wasn't coming back, and Clara wasn't getting back to her, Natalie got up and wandered around the backstage area.

Are You Happy Now? - Part 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now