How You Two Spend Christmas

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Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Just a small little thing I put together waiting for Midnight Mass.

The two of you get up extra early to go to your parent's apartment to spend the day with family.

You spend the morning with Davey's family and the afternoon with yours. 

Kid Blink:
Kid Blink loves to just cuddle the morning away, then the two of you manage to get out of bed to go to your adopted father the mayor's house for dinner.

Spot saves money all year long so he can provide a meal and a new shirt for all the Brooklyn newsies, so you two spend the day with them.

You and Mush hunker in out of the cold in front of the stove with blankets with coffee telling each other stories of Christmases past.

Being the sweetheart he is, he suggested that the two of you volunteer at a local orphanage for most of the day and then you two go to your parents' in the evening.

If Race had his way, you two would never make it out of bed ;) but since you only let him have his way till lunch. The the two of you go caroling a bit to Race's dismay, but compromise is good.

The two of you go to your parents in the morning and then go back to you two's place for time to yourselves.

The two of you go with your family to Jersey to visit her grandparents.

The two of you like to sleep in and then you make a nice breakfast before you go out and attempt to play in the snow till you get to cold. That gives you an excuse to cuddle for the rest of the day.

Bumlets likes to wake up super early to make you breakfast. Then the two of you spend good quality time together before going to your parents for the evening.

Blessings to you all, and thank you for all your support! Love you guys so much!!!!

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