He Discovers One of Your Secrets

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He Discovers one of Your Secrets


You are walking to church, you are one of the church's organists and there is a funeral today. Once you get there you look around cautiously to make sure no one is watching you go in. You are embarrassed for people to know that you play.

"In pa-ra-di-sum de-du-cant te an-ge-li: in tu-o-ad-ven-tu su-sci-pi-ant te mar-ty-res, et per-du-cant te in ci-vi-ta-tem san-ctam Je-ru-sa-lem. Cho-rus an-ge-lo-rum te___su-sci-pi-at, et cum La-za-ro quon-dam pau-pe-re ae-ter-nam ha-be-as re-qui-em." The choir sang as you played. This was the song payed as Don (Father) Bonacheli incensed the casket. Although sad, it had to be one of your favorites.

After all the choir members left, you were putting away the sheet music, when you heard steps coming up the stairs to the choir loft.

"Was dat you play'n?" You heard an all too familiar voice ask.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" You questioned the boy.

"I was commin ova ta see ya, but saw ya coming inta da church, so I stuck around ta see what ya was doin." He explained.

"Please don't tell anyone." You pleaded.

"Why, yas good." He stated.

"You really think so?" You asked looking down at your feet. Jack stepped closer and lifted up your head by placing a finger under your chin and slowly lifting your chin up until you were looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, I do strambo." He whispered.

"Thanks Jack." You smiled taking his large hand into your two smaller ones and placed a soft kiss to his palm.

"Dat last song was real poity, what did da woids mean." He asked looking over your shoulder at the sheet music you were finishing to put away.

"Don Bonacheli once told me what the words meant and I wrote it down. Where in the world did I put that." You rambled looking for the piece of paper. "Ah, here it is." You exclaimed.

"Hea, let me see." Jack said grabbing it out of your hands "May da angels lead yous inta Paradise: at yas coming may da martyrs receive ya, an may dey guide you inta da holy city, Jerusalem. Da chorus of angels receive ya, an wit Lazarus, who once was pooa, may ya hab etoinal rest." Jack mumbled reading the paper.


"(Y/N), wait up." David yelled after you.

"Hi David," You turned around and he pulled you into a hug then pecked you on the lips.

"So, I picked up this great book from the library that I thought you might enjoy." He informed you placing another light kiss on your lips.

"Oh, that's great." You mumbled sarcastically.

"What's wrong sweetie?" David asked concerned.

"Nothing." You lied.

"No, something's wrong, what is it?" He probed.

"David, I hate to tell you this, but I can't read." You mumbled embarrassed.

"Then this is the perfect time to learn." He stated placing a tender kiss to your forehead.

Kid Blink:

"How'd ya get adopted by da mayor?" Blink asked playing with your hair as your head lay on his lap.

"Bout two yeas ago, I was arrested foa steal'n a loaf a bread." You started.

"You look likes somebody dat don't get caught too often." Blink chuckled.

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