First Real Kiss

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First Real Kiss


"Speriamo che hai imparato la lezione stupido." (Hopefully you learned your lesson stupid) You chided Jack as he was gulping down a glass of cold water after he had cheekily taken a spoonful of the spaghetti sauce boiling on the stove and it burnt his mouth.

"I ain't stupid." He breathed heavily.

"I just told you not to taste, but did you listen? No, of course you didn't." You fumed your infamous Italian temper flaring as you through your hands up in the air.

"You know you is so beautiful when you's angry." He smirked walking closer and closer with a gleam in his eye that made you breath hitch. You stood frozen in place. He wrapped one arm around you waist and pulled you flush to him.

"Jack?" You gasp.

"What?" He breathed lifting your chin up then cupping your cheek with his hand.

You placed both of your hands on his chest and stared into his captivating chocolate eyes your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you realized his lips were only centimeters away from yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as you breathed in his masculine scent.

His lips descended upon your own in a tenderness that made you weak in the knees. His wind chapped lips though rough felt like heaven. Your lips were on fire as you two's lips moved in sync. Jack pulled you unbelievably closer and began to rub your back with his hand. You made an unusual noise that you could not suppress as he began to suck gingerly on your bottom lip.

Your stomach was aflutter and you were warm all over. You reached your hands up and laced them through Jack's soft hair using it as leverage to pull his mouth closer. You were surprised to hear that strange noise again but this time from Jack. You hated how much you wanted this kiss.

All of the sudden you heard the door open and the voice you recognized as your mother's spoke in Italian to one of your younger brothers. You and Jack broke apart quickly to make sure you two were not caught in the lip lock. Your breathing was ragged as your heart raced. You straitened your clothing to make sure you looked normal. There was a smile on your face that you could not seem to suppress.

"Wow." You muttered under your breath.

"Dat's exactly what I was tinkin." Jack muttered still slightly out of breath.


"Hey." You yelled as Davey took your hand and pulled you outside. "It's raining." You complained.

"Exactly." He snatched you by the waist and looked deep into your eyes. You blushed underneath his gaze.

"Davey, we could get sick." You murmured in worry.

"It's warm." He chuckled sending a vibration through you to depths of your core. You could see warmth shining in his soulful blue eyes. David brushed a stray piece of your hair behind your ear. You inhaled his unique sent closing your eyes because of the effect David could have on you.

The next thing you know a hand is at the base of your neck and tender lips are pressed against yours. You close your eyes tighter and you reach your arms around David's neck. You tilted your head slightly to the side so you could devour the sweet taste of his lips better. A crack of thunder startled you and you broke away from the embrace in surprise.

By this point you are soaking wet. David caresses your cheek with his thumb and his eyes dart from your eyes to your lips. You see a flash of lightning.

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