His Favorite Place to Kiss You

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Wow! I cannot believe how many reads this has! Thank you all so much for reading! This is dedicated to Fangirls_a_lot, Thanks for all your votes and comments! This is going to be a real short one thanks to A&P...Without further adu...

His Favorite Place to Kiss You


Besides long and passionate kisses on your lips, he loves to place soft and tender kisses to your hand because it makes him feel like a real gentleman.


Surprisingly, the good boy can be quite forward in the heat of a make out session and loves to assault the top of your sternum and the base of the side of your neck and leave hickys there. Thank goodness for having at least one high necked blouse.

Kid Blink:

Blink's favorite place to kiss you is the top of your head. He loves to sneak up behind you and snake his arms around your waist and lean into your hair and breathe in the clean smell that ensues while tenderly pressing kisses there.


Your nose, there is just something about it that makes you feel like a child, so you slap him away, but he just laughs and that happens a lot. You figure he does it solely to irritate you.


The sentimental sap that he is, he favors kissing you all over your face, he is such a tease, he will kiss your forehead, then your closed eyes, then the tip of your nose, then the curve of your mouth on both sides, before he claims your lips. It drives you crazy!


He loves savoring the taste of your lips, whether it is by sharing long tender kisses with you or more passion driven ones that may or may not result in you supporting a hicky or two.


For some odd reason, Race finds strange fascination with the area right below your ear and sometimes, he even nips at your ear itself. As much as it stirs something in your core, you fail to see how that area is so fascinating.


The one place that boots loves to kiss, besides your lips is your temple, most frequently the left one. You think it is sweet, but sometimes, you wish he would just kiss you on the lips.


Your shoulder, he finds it pleasant to sneak up behind you and grab your waist and place tender kisses to your covered shoulders whispering how he can't wait to behold you on your wedding night making you blush furiously.


Skittery loves to trail kisses up and down your jawline. It drive you crazy, mainly, because you just want to kiss him more.


The back of your neck seems to be the constant object of his lips' attention. The action makes your stomach feel like it has wings that are going to make it fly away.


Sorry this was shorter than normal...

I am looking for ideas if anyone has them.

Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to vote or comment.

Blessings to you!

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