The Birth of Your First Child

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I cannot even begin to fathom how many people have read this! Thank you all sooooo much! So sorry I haven't updated in quite a while, but school was determined to make my life challenging. Thankfully, this week is spring break so YAY! Thank you so much to Broadway_BlueEyes for this wonderful idea; it was really fun to write! So this is again from the boys POV but this time towards your first child right after they are born...

Birth of Your First Child /You'll be in My Heart


Come stop your crying it will be alright. Just take my hand and hold it tight...

It still feels like a daze, da last yea, from my little strambo agreein ta marry me, den da simple weddin ceremony wit ha family present, gettin dat job as a construction woika wit dis one group dat is now woikin on da construction of da biggest building I has eva seen, an ta top it oll, da news dat (Y/N) was gonna have a baby.

Right now, oll I hav been able ta hea foa da last six hours are ha screams of agony an ha mudda and nona givin (Y/N) instructions on what ta do. I pace da floa on da udda side of our bedroom doa, runnin my hands trough my haia. I had no idea dat dis would be so stressful. I want to just bust trough da doa an comfort ha, but I wouldn't risk incitin ha nona's wrat. Foa such a small woman, she is very scary. Suddenly I hear da little woman yell,

"Questo è tutto, ancora una spinta!" Which I vaguely understand ta mean something about being almost done an one moa push. I hea (Y/N) scream out in da loudest scream I has hoid yet. Da next sound I hea is a baby's wail! I sigh in relief, da baby is safe, I hope everythin's ok wit (Y/N).

Suddenly (Y/N)'s mom comes out wit a small bundle in ha arms, my heart begins ta race a little when I hea a piercin wail come from da blanket. I stride ovea ta whea my child is. "It's a boy." I hea my mudda-in-law say in ha heavily accented English. A smile spreads over my face but quickly falls away as she trusts da small baby at me. "You want to hold him?" she asked softly.

I start ta shake my head no, but decide against it an mutter out an "I would love to." My mudda-in-law smiles and den places da cryin newborn inta my arms. He is so tiny. I am not soir what ta do exactly, but I slip one of my fingers inta my son's hands an whispea, "Shh, daddy's here, jus hold my hand." At da soun of my voice he instantly stops cryin. I rock my arms from side ta side like I have seen Strambo do so many times wit our little nieces and nephews. Da sight of my sleeping son makes my heart soa. "How is she?" I mumble softly ta my mudda-in-law, as ta not wake da now sleepin infant.

"She is resting now with a small fever, but she will be fine." She assures me an I sigh wit relief.


I will protect you from all around you I will be here don't you cry...

"The next time I see that man, I am going to kill him for making me go through this!" I hear my wife scream. I feel horrible now; I think I am going to throw up.

"No you won't and within the next two years you'll be in this same situation again. Why, because you love him and the two of you can't keep your hands off each other!" I heard her aunt Leah laugh. "Now keep pushing!" She instructed.

"I wish my mom was here!" (Y/N) cries. I run my hand through my hair. This is so stressfull. I wish I could kiss all of her tears away.

I continue my pacing and panicking for the next three hours. Was this all a mistake? Should we have waited until my job at the newspaper was more secure before trying for children? Was I ready to be a father? All of the sudden I heard the shrill cry of a baby. My heart almost instantly calmed, I am ready for this. I assured myself.

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