chapter eighteen

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Camila Cabello was many things. For starters, she was very wise. She was very good at Math, and she excelled in both Spanish and English.

She's also crazy.

And when she told me that we should become cops, her and I had two different ideas in mind.

Camila explained it in a simple way: We go to a drug cartel party dressed AS cops. That way, we can evacuate the premises in order to be able to find Shawn.

I'm starting to doubt her intellect.

"Why do we always have to be dressed up to go places and sabotage things?" I asked, carrying a package from Camila's car into her house.

"I guess I just watched way too many cartoons as a kid." Camila replied, shutting the door.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, babe."

"His parents want nothing to do with him, and his brother sent him to Miami so he wouldn't have to deal with him, and suddenly he's working for an international drug cartel. He doesn't know who he is. We should be getting him some help." Camila told me, holding me close as I set down the package on the table. "If it was you, I would buy a plane ticket to Miami in a heartbeat."

"You hate planes."

"I don't care."

"You hate loud party music."

"I don't mind."

"If I was like him, I wouldn't know who you were." Camila stopped in her tracks, looking at me.

"Then I would spend every day falling in love with you from day one again. I would do it all over, as long as I had the chance to call you mine again."

"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but you love being called Karla, right?"

Camila chuckled, wrapping her arms around me and connecting her lips with mine.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered in her ear as she pointed upwards to remind me that we were standing under mistletoe.

"Well, since we're under mistletoe..." I leaned in to kiss her again, but the doorbell rang.

"Wonder who that is." She thought out loud.

"I have a hunch." I said, opening the door to find Nate, Dinah, Ally, and Lauren. Each came in carrying an excessive amount of presents.

"MERRY CHRYSLER!!!" Nate yelled, fitting a Santa hat on my head.

"You KNOW I wasn't gonna be late to the gift exchange." Dinah told me, setting down her stack of gifts. "Everyone, to the tree!"

"Someone's a little demanding." Lauren teased, walking into the house with Ally.

"Normani couldn't come?" I asked Dinah.

"She just got off of work." Nate revealed. "We told her to take her time; She had four parties today."

"Oh my god. All the laser light shows." I laughed, hearing a subsequent doorbell ring. I opened the door to see Normani in her black and purple uniform, looking like she just woke up. Her visor and phone charger were tangled in one of her hands. She smelled like egg rolls.

"I didn't know twenty three year olds loved Hibachi Jose's so much." She said through gritted teeth. "Dinah, help me get the gifts."

Dinah ran out to the car, as Nate watched Ally from the door.

"Does she know about Spring Break?" I asked him.

"I told her we were going to Miami, but she doesn't know about... y'know..."

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