The Cave

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"How do we get them back?"
"We can't."
I woke to a searing pain in my chest and someone fumbling around in the background.
"Elsa?" I called out hazily.
"Lie down." A gentle voice ordered, pushing me down. My vision sharpened and I could make out Elsa making something.
"What are you doing?" I asked started to sit up again.
"Lie. Down." She ordered again, pushing me down.
Elsa came over and placed a cold rag on my forehead.
"How long was I out?" I wonder aloud.
"Three hours."
"That's it?" I said.
She nodded.
"What happened?" I demanded. She was silent for a moment.
"It wasn't pretty." She consented, with a deep breath.

I closed my eyes and thought back to a few hours ago. The fight wasn't pretty and we both had the marks to prove it.

4 hours ago

I whipped my head around and was instantly bashed by Nightmares. I was knocked over and my sword flew from my hand.
"Elsa!" Jack yelled pulling me up from the snow.
"Calm down I'm fine!" I reassured getting back into my stance. I pulled out a small dagger and stood back to back with Jack.
"Remember we don't have our magic we have to do this the old fashioned way!" I reminded, slash a few nightmares that got too close.
"How did he find us!" Jack demanded over the noise.
I was wondering that myself!
"I don't know!" I yelled.
We were being over run drastically. I turned my head to deal with one on my left when something scratched my face and sent me onto the ground.
I cursed angrily.
"Need a hand there sugar?" Jack asked mockingly as he held out his hand.
"Well of course kind sir." I replied with the same amusement as he pulled me to my feet.
He chuckled and slashed a Nightmare in two.
"How are you doing this with just a dagger?" Jack called out with laughter.
"Oh darling, it's a skill I naturally possess." I said arrogantly. Our hands failed to break contact as we fought cleanly as if we had rehearsed it. We continued to banter back and forth as we destroyed Nightmares, I was surprised that Jack and I were doing so well. Our hands were still latched together, never failing to break contact.
Suddenly a cry escaped Jacks lips as his hand ripped from mine and he was sent tumbling to the ground.
"Jack!" I yelled, fighting my way towards him. My heart dropped when I saw him.
There was a large gash across his chest and head, while the nightmares continued to beat down on him.
"Get away from him!" I screamed, slashing them away. I dropped beside him and put my hand on his head.
"Jack? Jack!"
He wasn't responding. I ripped off a piece of my shirt and put it on his wound making sure to apply hard pressure. I winced as I could feel nightmares hitting my back.
They weren't going to get to him.
I made sure to block any nightmares coming at him with my body.
The blood began to seep through the cloth and I began to panic.
I can't save him! I can't!
Punzie can!
I ripped off my gem and place it around his neck. Leaning by his ear I began to whisper the fail-safe.
Inso Agita
Noso Livinga
I was cut off when strong arms ripped me away from Jack.
"No!" I screamed, thrashing to get back towards him. I concentrated hard enough to pierce the vail.
"North! Manny! Find Manny!" I instructed as I continued to fight the person holding me.
A hand waved over my face and everything went dark.

Present time
I looked at Jack sadly as he processed everything except the part about the fail safe. I couldn't tell him about that.
I need to get him out of here.
If I spoke the fail safe, the person wearing the crystal would be transported instantly back to their body. The reason I didn't tell Jack was because I had never intended on going without him and I know he wouldn't have consented on going back without me.
My hands rubbed at the chains restricting my moment. I had refused to do what Pitch had asked unless Jack was taken care of. Luckily Jack hadn't seen the chains.
Black sand entered the cave.
"Elsa.." Jack said looking at me. I turned away from his gaze.
"What did you do?" He demanded trying to sit up. I pushed him back down.
"Elsa!" He yelled at me. A deep chuckled came from behind us.
"Pitch." He hissed, trying to sit up again. Once again I pushed him down.
"It's time to go, dearie." Pitch ordered, grabbing the end of the chain and yanking me towards him.
"Wait, Elsa!" He yelled jumping up.
I smiled at him and closed my eyes.
And he disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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