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  One will come with the gift of Fun

One will come with the gift of Bravery

One will come with the gift of Freedom

One will come with the gift of Knowledge

And one wil tie them all together with Chaos

N o r t h

I jolted up, Mannies words still rang in my head. I couldnt belive it! The prophecy! I had waited all my life to hear it! I ran over to the globe, still in my slippers, and pulled the lever, that would signal the rest of the Guardians.
It was time.
Sandy was here first as always with a worried expression written across his face. I gave him a reassuring smile.
Tooth flew in the window, chatting with her fairies, barely glancing at us.
"North I swear, if I'm here because of your belly, I will kill you." Bunny growled rolling his eyes.
"Chill out, cotton tail." A familiar, mischievous voice said.
"Good we are all here!" I boomed, ignoring how Bunny and Jack glared at each other.
I didn't stop smirking at Cotton Tail. It was just so fun to annoy him!
"Why are we here again?" I asked leaning on my staff, getting a little bored. North looked so excited. Why? Nothing ever happened here.
"The prophecy has be spoken." North whispered, wonder clearly written across his eyes. The other Guardians stopped what they were doing and looked at him with a 'are you kidding me' look.
I raised my hand like a school student. Bunny laughed.
"Um what prophecy?" I asked.
"The prophecy that will decided the fate of our world." North replied darkly.
Suddenly a jingling sound made us all turn around.
Sandy was standing there holding an elf looking really red. He pointed angrily at the skylight, where a full moon was peaking over.
"Sandy why didn't you say something?" North asked, which made Sandy even more red. I couldn't help but smile.
The Guardian Crystal rose, but instead of just one it multiplied! The look on the other Guardians faces told me this was not normal.
The first crystal showed a girl with red frizzy hair and a bow. The Guardians looked puzzled until Bunny growled.
"The keeper of the Wisps." He spat out with hatred. Tooth looked very excited to have another girl.
"Okay next." North said moving along. Next was a boy around my age dressed in Viking era clothing.
"Ohhhh! The dragon rider!" Tooth squealed.
We all turned our gaze to the second last crystal. There was a girl with long blonde hair and a purple dress. And when I say long, I mean long. I looked around to see if anyone knew who she was. Sandy scratched his head and put up a hesitate symbol of a book titled 'Rapunzel.' North liked this explanation.
"Perhaps the Sheila is real." Bunny said.
The last ones crystal had black smoke swirling around in it. The others seemed confused and I was very curious.
The smoke cleared and standing there was a girl with a tight black and red corset and platinum blonde hair.
The rest of them turned deathly pale.
"Please no, I'll take 10 Jacks over her!" Bunny begged to Manny.
"Who is she?" I asked really confused.
"Chaos." North answered in an almost terrified voice.
Not how you guys were expecting Elsa huh?😂
Okay I want to make it clear now! Everyone other than the big five is dead so live with it. Also there will not be the original ships (jelsa is going to happen)
So thanks for reading my story and I will need at least 2 votes each chappie to publish the next one!
Love ya peeps!

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