Meeting the New Recruits

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The color drained from the Guardians faces at the mention of her name.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Surely this girl couldn't be that bad if Manny chose her.
"Why are not bringing her to this place!" Bunny exclaimed in worry and anger. The Guardians broke out arguing. Even Sandy was making angry expressions out of sand.
"Um guys!" I yelled trying to get their attention. I rolled my eyes annoyed. I flew above them and yelled at the top of my lungs.
They stopped arguing and glared at me.
"Okay, now what the heck is going on?" I cried out loudly.
"Nothing." North said quickly."Tooth go get Rapunzel, Sandy Wisp Girl, Jack Dragon Boy  and Bunny and I will go get Chaos." He commanded. I rolled me eyes once again, but did as he said.


I sat on a roof, just watching Berk. It was very different from when I was chief (and when I was alive). It had become a historical hot spot for Vikings. All in all for me it was quite boring. The dragons had gone underground after the Middle Age because of how much they were hunted, now only about 10 were left.
I felt something cold around me. I shivered. Suddenly out of nowhere I heard a laugh.
"Cold dragon boy?" A mischievous voice taunted behind me.
"You can see me!?" I asked, whipping around. Standing there was a boy with blue hoodie and a hooked staff.
"Yeah dude." He said very chill.
"What do you want? And the name is Hiccup." I asked growing suspicious. If he could see me something was up.
"I need you to come with me." He replied seriously.
"Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes.
"Dude I promise I won't kill you." The boy promised rolling his eyes. He extended his hand. Out of complete boredom and curiosity, I took it.

Hiccup and I were the first ones back, so without another option, I explained everything.
His expression was priceless!
"So I'm a Guardian?" He asked.
"I'm part of a prophecy?"
"I need to help defeat Pitch?"
This game was getting a little annoying. Luckily Sandy arrived with a passed out girl, personably the Wisp girl. She looked quite peaceful.
I don't like it.
Creating a snowball in my hand, I smirked and threw it right in her face. Her eyes jumped open and flashed with anger.
"Who did that." She growled a Scottish accent very palpable in her voice.(I can not do the accent so don't make me)I stifled a laugh and pointed at Hiccup. She glared at Hiccup, which made Hiccup yelp. I snickered.
Tooth suddenly flew in the window carrying Rapunzel. Unlike the Wisp girl, Rapunzel was smiling and looked really excited. Speaking of Wisp girl....
"Hey Wisp Girl! What are you name?"I asked.
The girl rolled her eyes.
"Merida." She said clearly annoyed.
"Ooooooo hi my name is Rapunzel but you can call me Punzie!" Rapunzel gushed shaking Merida's hand with force.
Merida was clearly very uncomfortable with this.
Both Hiccup and I looked at each other and snickered. And of course Fire Ball sent us a death stare.
Turning my gaze to Sandy and Tooth I drowned when I saw that the other two weren't back yet.
"Where are they?" I asked puzzled at the other two guardians.
"Don't worry Jack, they are just going to need a little more time." Tooth explained nervously.
A little more time turned into half and hour and even the newbies had gotten bored of arguing with one another.
So naturally it came to our great joy when a portal appeared infront of us.
But our looks of joy soon turned to horror when we saw the sorry state of Bunny and North.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever!!!!!!! I promise the next update will come a lot sooner!
Thanks to xchocoluver for reminding me to update!!!!
See ya peeps!

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