Cuddles & Laughs

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What if the world was crazy
And we was the only ones sane
I don't know I'm just saying
Just some ideas I had on my brain
~ G-Eazy


"She was perfect!" Andy repeated the statement multiple times, and I smiled happily for him. He decided to come over today to tell me about his date with a mystery girl, that he won't tell me the name of.

"Alright alright" I agreed with him, "but no ones perfect so don't get all sad when you find a flaw about her," I told him in all honesty,

He laid his back on my bed, and drowned in deep thought, "I know" he said in a calm voice, "that's why I'm scared to get to know her more. Maybe I just liked the idea of a perfect girl, I don't know if I'll still like her after,"

I frown, "that was the most conceited thing I've ever heard!" I lightly kick his shoulder,

When he doesn't seem to be affected by what I said, I realized that he was serious.

"Sometimes flaws are a good thing you know?" I attempt to convince him, "like if envy didn't exist people would stop creating new things" I go on, "and if someone didn't have a hard past they wouldn't be the person they are today," he starts to look my way a tad bit interested in my lecture, "so don't be scared to get to know someone because you're scared they're not going to be the person you thought they would be."

"Wow," he finally spoke "I think that was the best thing you ever said to me."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What about that time I told you your hair was nice?"

He grinned, "Maybe that time too,"

I laughed, and went back to staring at the ceiling.

"That reminds me," he said in excitement "what do you want for your birthday?"

How could I forget? My birthday was tomorrow!

"Chocolate," I said smiling just at the thought of it. I think I was more of a chocolate lover than a Leonardo DiCaprio lover.

He rolled his eyes, "but thats what I got you last year," he said in a way that made it sound lame "and the year before,"

So what he got me the same thing every single year? It was fine as long as I liked it, right?

"But who else is going to get me chocolate if you don't?" I asked in disappointment.

He scoffed, "I don't kn-" "Alex?" He said sarcastically.

"He doesn't even know when my birthday is!" I recalled the last time he threw me a false birthday party, which was partly my fault but also was a total complete utter disaster.

"Mhmm," he mumbled grabbing my pillow and resting his head on it.

It was night time, but I was too lazy to kick him out. "Get your own bed," I mumbled before grabbing my pillow and looking for the covers that he basically straddled. I forcefully pull the cover off him, before cuddling myself with it. Slowly my eyes start to close, falling in a very deep sleep.

My alarm goes off, and I slowly open my eyes pressing snooze for the third time. That when I see a glimpse of the time and immediately pull myself up. I had a hard time because I Andy was using my arm as a pillow. "Get up!" I yell removing his hands.

"5 more minutes mom," he mumbles in a sleepy voice. I laugh, thinking about how a perfect time it was to take a picture.

Except there were two things in the way. One, we definitely going to be late for school. Second, Andrew Russell was an absolute pain in the ass!

"I'm leaving without you!" I grab my clothes to get ready in the washroom.

I get ready in about 10 minutes, not bothering with my hair or makeup.

"What the fuck?" He says rubbing his eyes, "what time is it?"

"Time to start running," I say running downstairs, he surprisingly followed after changing into one of his sweaters.

"Seriously, do we have to go to school today?" He groaned

"I am not ruining my-"

"Perfect attendance over this!" He interrupted me mimicking my voice.

I gave him a death glare, and we continued running so we could make it on time.

Surprisingly, we made it just as soon as the bell rung. "Phew," I let out a breath.

"This is worse than football practice," he complained

I laughed, "Sure"

"SHIT!" He yelled

"Did you forget something?" I asked, he was even more clumsy than me.

"Yes!" He shouted shaking my shoulder, "It's your fucking birthday!"

Wow. I had forgotten my own birthday, that was a record.

"Oh yeah,"

"I told you we didn't have to go to school today!" He said in excitement and I rolled my eyes, "forget it."

He smiled, "Anyways happy birthday Claire, you're finally as old as me," he said squishing me in a hug "have fun spending it at school," He said before walking away and waving bye.

I walked in class, taking a seat in my usual spot. I don't really remember when Alex switched his seat next to mine, but I sort of got used to it.

"You're late today," He said. I was surprised he was already there, because usually he's the one always late.

"Yeah.." I said trailing off. I wondered if Alex knew it was my birthday? It didn't really matter.

I was about to say something when the teacher walked in, and started explaining the lesson. I was paying attention on copying down notes, when Alex nudged my shoulder. I turned around to look at him, when he passed me a little slip of paper. I unfolded it wondering what could possible be written on it.

"Happy birthday, cheesecake;)"

I instantly lit up, smiling like a crazy person.

"You could've just said it to me in person," I quietly whispered.

He grinned, "I thought it would be more cute this way,"

Alex Hunter, you are one hell of a plot twist.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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