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Picture on the top is of Alex.
~Chapter 4~

After school was over, I realized that i had no idea where Alex's house was. So i was currently standing on school playground. Alone. Being the idiot I was I said goodbye to Emma and Andy and I told them that Alex would drive me home. I mean he's supposed to, right? Hopefully not on his motorcycle. I have been standing alone for 20 minutes now and I'm pretty sure that i was the last person in school. One day, I'll get him back for this.

He probably forgot about you.

A voice in my head said and I, for once agreed.

So now is the part where I cry, right? Well, that's not exactly what happened. After what felt like forever I spotted Cinnamon heading my way. God I've never been more relieved to see a motorcycle in my life.

"So.. err..uh..." He ruffled a hand nervously through his gorgeous hair, "I was suppose to hang out with my friends, but halfway I remembered that you don't know our address," he paused, "I mean God knows what mom would do to me if anything happened to you,"

Was Alex Hunter being civil? I mean not the part where he forgot about me or the part where I stand alone for 20 minutes. But he actually came back for me? The schools bad boy came back for me, Claire Calderon? Maybe he's having a change of heart! I shouldn't be so quick to judge him.

"Thanks about time." I replied sarcastically.

"Hop on cheesecake." He said

Why does he call me that?

"Why do you call me cheesecake? I understand your love for food but you can't see people as cheesecakes!"

Alex then burst out laughing, "I don't see you as a cheesecake," it was probably the first time I saw him laugh since he always had this 'bad boy' aura, I guess it felt different. If you were standing on my spot you'd be drooling over him now. I somehow managed to keep my saliva together. Not to mention how tall he was, he was about 6'1 . He had a tan, and those muscles, oh god those muscles.

"Are you done checking me out?" He asked amused with a smirk plastered on his face.


"I heard that." He chuckled looking entertained with the smirk never leaving his face.

Did I really just say that out loud?

Why does he have to be so awfully good looking? I reminded myself that personality is the better aspect.

"I was not checking you out!" I said looking away.

"You should take a picture, it lasts longer,"

"Wow, very original," I rolled my eyes. Wow how many times have I heard that line?

"I don't mind standing here all day, but we really have to get going,"

"Fine." I gave in realizing I had no other choice.

"Can you please drive slower this time? I almost died last time!" I begged.

He ignored me, but I got on regardlessly.

Luckily for me he was driving slower. Could it because I asked him? No way. I mean why would he ever listen to me? He could do whatever he wanted, he always did.

Soon we arrived at his house after our long silence. As soon as we got in I said hello to Maura and ran upstairs to my 'room'. I changed into my pyjamas and sat on my bed for 30 minutes listening to music and drawing. Drawing was one of the few things I was good at. Then I got a text from Emma saying that she would come here tomorrow for the biology assignment. I almost forgot about that. I'll be going to Matt's house, yay me! I was pretty nervous about this whole thing. Matt was also really popular. Well second popular, Alex is always first in everything. Except education of course. Mostly cause he doesn't bother showing up for class.

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