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~Chapter 15~

You know when you're in deep shit, and there's no way you're getting out unless a miracle happens? Just to my luck, miracles seemed to hate me for some reason. So yes, I am in deep shit and there's no way I'm getting out.

Andy ignored me for the whole day, I tried getting his attention the whole time, but he glanced away each time. I even sent him a note in math, but he crumpled it and threw it in the trash bin. Ouch. Was he going to throw away our 17 years of friendship because of something as stupid as this?

Besides the fact that i sat alone at lunch today, had no partner for biology, walked in the hallways like a lost puppy, yeah my life is pretty screwed. I basically had no more friends without Andy and Emma, I was like a lost soul. I have to fix everything. I feel guilty for not telling him about Alex. What was there to tell anyways?

So this is how I ended up sitting in front of Andy's porch waiting for him to come home.

After about 2 hours, I finally spotted Andy heading over. However, when he saw me I didn't quite get the reaction I was expecting. Oh for gods sake,what was I expecting?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He said in a high pitched tone that made me flinch.

He never talked to me like that before. We did get in a lot of fights but we'd always find our way back together.

"Andy.." I start speaking, but I was at loss of words because his glare was frightening and if looks could kill, I'd be a thousand feet under ground. The person standing in front of me, was not my best friend that I knew since I was 2.

"Don't call me that ever again." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

I was blocking his doorway so he shoved past me to get inside but I stopped him.

"Why are you so mad about this? I lied to you, and I'm sorry, really. But don't you think you're over reacting a little bit?" I asked looking him in the eye. The person standing in front of me looked like he wanted to kill me, and I just said he was over reacting. Goodbye life.

"I'm overreacting? Don't you have any idea what you did to me? How I feel? You're so dense you just don't get it. How many years will it take for you to understand? I thought if I waited all this time you would...." He paused, "Forget it." He shook his head shoving past me, but I stopped him a second time.

Understand what? What in the world was he talking about? At this point I had no clue what he was saying.

"What the hell? What does that mean?" I say confused.

He was not getting away with this without an explanation.

Then right when I was opening my mouth to speak and probably say something stupid again to make the situation even worse, he smacked his lips into mine. To say I was stunned would be an estimation, I was shocked, too shocked to even react. So I just stood there frozen in my spot. It felt different, aggressive. I didn't get all the butterflies I got when Alex kissed me, Andrew's kiss was more desperate and longing, like he was trying to tell me something. He wanted me to kiss back, but I couldn't do it. After a while of awkwardness he pulled away as I stared at him stunned. I felt guilty. He gave me a small sad smile that shattered a piece of my heart, then went inside his house, and this time I didn't stop him.

I think I finally figured it out, Andrew Russell liked me.

Wait, what?

You guys should check out my book, Perfectly Imperfect. Also don't forget to comment and vote. 1.32K and I'm only on the 15th chapter, wow! Thanks to everyone who votes on my chapters ilysm❤️

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