Finally rescued

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~Chapter 8~

We looked everywhere but each other. I felt a little spark, and I knew Alex felt it too, because judging for his face this was not how it was suppose to go. I can't believe I'm letting him use me for a bet.

"It's getting late, I think we should go to sleep now. I'll wake you up tomorrow morning. Night." He broke the silence.

What a gentlemen. You just took my first real kiss inside of a car in the middle of nowhere in an unplanned camp and all he says is its getting late go to sleep. Was that what he did to every other girl he's been with? Not only did I feel used, but also embarrassed and ashamed that I let it happen.

Sleeping was really hard. But hey who said sleeping in a car is easy? Especially that my head was resting on the window, and trust me it was not comfortable. Ever watch one of those cliche movies where the girl is sleeping peacefully on the train while it's moving? All lies. Plus since I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I couldn't help but wonder about all the questions that were stuck in my head. First and most important, how the hell are we going to get back? Isn't this the part where my night in shining armour comes and saves me and sends me back home? But again my life is not a fairy tail, and if it was then it must be in the very first pages because it's not ending anytime soon. Getting all the thoughts out of mind I rested my head on my seat and went to sleep.

"Hey wake up!" I heard a voice yell. Ugh whoever this is they must have the nerve to wake me up this way because as obvious as this may seem I am not a morning person.

"Don't tell me what to do!" I yelled back ready to throw a pillow at someone. Except there was no pillow. And this was no bedroom. Then all the memories from last night came back.

I got lost with Alex in an unfamiliar forest got my first real kiss stolen from me because of a bet and decided to camp in a car with no signal.

I close my eyes hoping it was just a dream. Then I heard a water splash before I felt cold water getting dumped all over me.

I shriek. What the actual fudge.

"What the hell?!" I said getting up

"It was the only way to get you up and I guess it worked," he smirked

"Oh my god!" I scream, "What is it with you dumping water on me?!"

He laughs, "I love it when you get feisty,"

"Arghhhh, you're insane!!!" I scream and start tackling him,

"Oh violent too. I like it." He smirks.

When I realize it was useless I get off him and sigh,

"If you haven't noticed we're not at home and I don't exactly have a change of clothes with me," I said clearly annoyed.

"Plus who wakes someone up like that?"

"Me." He snickered.

Then I thought of a clever idea.

"Where'd you get the water?" I asked

"There's a small pond over there you can use it to wash your face" he replied lazily

Oh I will be using it for more than that. I grinned to myself.

"Hey Alex do you have your phone on you?"

"Uh no I left it in the car and if you haven't forgotten there's no signal so much memory for a-"

I walked to the pond put some water in the water bottle he dumped on me, and splashed it all over him before he could finish the sentence.

revenge feels good, until you realize you're screwed.

"You didn't just."

"You're such a girl, yes I did just," I burst out laughing at his priceless face.

"Claire Calderon you are not getting away with this!" He yelled.

"We'll see,"I grinned.

He started to chase after me.

I was never an athlete so he caught up to me in a blink of an eye. Then begun tickling me.

I burst of laughing, "S-stop" I managed to say, "Please,"

"Say Alex Hunter is the hottest person ever." He grinned

"Never!" If I didn't die out here in the woods, I would die of laughter.

After a few seconds I gave in. God I was wimp, "Alex Hunter is the hottest person ever!"

He stopped, thankfully.

"I'm so wet!"

"Glad I have that effect on you," he smirked.

Oh my god. I smacked his shoulder, "Pervert."

He chuckles, "Anyways let's just walk around until we get signal to call someone."

"Wonderful idea."

"Keep the sarcasm Cheesecake."

"By the way why do you call me that? What with your obsession with food?"

"Wait you thought I called you that because I see people as food?"

"Uh maybe...?" I asked unsure.

"I'm not that creepy." He gave me a strange look,

"Well at least you're admitting that you're creepy."

"Like you're not." He chuckled and we continued on walking following his fabulous idea.

"Oh I am not creepy!" I defended

"Right you knew my name even before I had the chance to introduce myself when you first came. Not to mention my last name too."

Well who doesn't know your name? Of course I wouldn't say that wouldn't want to make his ego any bigger

"You mom said she had a son called Alex."

"Did she also say her husband was Mr.Hunter?" He replied sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha." I roll my eyes

"I think I'm getting a signal." He said enthusiastically.

"Oh my god you said something useful for once!"


"I'm calling Matt."

"Alright tell him to hurry up I'm freezing."

"You can wait a little longer" he said then made his call.

How was even going to explain to Matt where we are? 'Hey we're kinda stuck in the middle on nowhere come find us?' The car ride would be extremely awkward. It's a school day!

Wait what?

I did not just skip school and unpredictably hung out with Alex Hunter. I never skipped school! What if it effects my reputation? Andy must be worried sick he knows that I never skip school and I'm always on time. Let's just hope he doesn't call the cops. And Emma. Well I don't really care about her anymore, even though I did this whole bet for her. Who needs a friend who picks a guy who didn't know her name over her best friend? What happened to sisters before misters?

"He's coming in 10" Alex came back

"How'd you explain where we are?"

"I have my ways sweetheart." He smirked.

"Uh huh whatever you say."

After the 10 minutes passed a very familiar car came into view.

Uh oh this was not going to be an interesting car ride.

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