Biology Assignment

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Picture on the top is of Matthew.
~Chapter 5~

I woke up the next day extra early. I was going to walk to school. There's no way I was going to let Alex drive me. I did not even want to see the sight of him. He was arrogant, cocky, over-confident, and I hated everything about him!

I headed to my locker and then my period one class.

Soon it was lunch and I headed to Em's locked where Andy was standing.

"Hey guys." I greeted them and they nodded.

"I can't believe I'm going to Alex's house today!" Emma squealed.

"Trust me being in the same house as him is like swimming with sharks!" I say. Alex was like predator, and I living in the same house as him, made me a vulnerable prey. He even resembled a shark, I knew there was something odd about his scary looks.

"Sounds like fun." Andy said sarcastically.

"Very" I replied

"As much as I would love to stand here all day and talk about Alex, I have football practice so I got to go or coach will freak out." Andy said walking away

"Bye," we said but he was already gone.

Then we went to the cafe and sat at our usual spot. I was about to take a huge bite out of my delicious pizza but that's when a shark like figure headed my way. I'll give you time to digest that information. Alex Hunter came and sat at our table. Everyone who was sitting at our table grew nervous and looked like they just saw One Direction for the first time.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Just thought we should eat lunch together, nothing more," He gave me the most innocent look, that I was not falling for. I refuse to be a vulnerable prey!

"Can't you just leave me alone? Please?" I begged.

"But then I'd feel lonely." He faked his expression with his puppy eyes.

Lonely? My ass! He has basically the whole school fussing over him.

'Kindly get your sorry ass off the seat in front of me and if it's not too much trouble take the rest of your minions with you.'

You thought I said that? Join the comedy club.

I tend to keep rude comments to myself so that I don't gain anymore attention. Yes everyone gave me the why-is-Alex-Hunter-sitting-with-someone-like-you-look. Funny that the thing is, I was wondering the exact same thing. I managed to stay invisible for 3 years of high school, then Alex Hunter comes and ruins it all for me.

"Lonely? Come on you have like the whole school to torture!" I replied while sighing.

"Listen, we're going to be living together for a while, might as well try to get along," He said ruffling a hand through his hair.

"Okay." I said. As much as I hate to admit it, he was right. We couldn't keep wanting to rip each other's head off for god knows how long.

After a while of awkwardness Alex's friends got along with the people at our table. They were probably thinking something along the lines of 'wow all this time we thought they were losers, but they're actually pretty cool!'. There were 5 different tables at my school. They were all pretty stereotypical. My table was the only one that wasn't classified. Basically we didn't belong in any group. People who didn't belong in any of the groups kind of got together and made their own table. We weren't popular, nerds, video game addicts. We just casually socialized during lunch, which is my favourite part of the day cause we get to eat, and I loved food with a passion. You would expect Andrew to be sitting with the populars, and me with the nerds, but despite social standards we were always best friends.

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