" are you seriously give me advice on dating and advice on Girls" I said laughing as I thought how stupid this all was. Wasn't I the parent here, wasn't I the one who should be giving advice out. not the other way round. " For your information I have dated heaps of Women during my time" I continued as I was washing up our plates. I know what to do on dates and how to handle women, I have even dated famous women for goodness sake and here they are talking like I don't have a life.

" Yeah but not Women you actually really like and care about" Hailie stated making me look up, I took a few seconds to actually think about what she was saying and she was right. I might have dated a lot of women but not one I care so much about, not special women like Sarah, there hasn't been a woman that has taken the time to get to know me and looked passed my imperfections except for Sarah. For so long I have been busy hiding my feelings that I don't know how to be happy anymore but the feelings that I am experiencing with Sarah its making me finally realise that people are right when they say everything happens for a reason and that it is possible to love again and just maybe Sarah was the one.

" don't worry I know what I'm doing. Now come on I should get you guys to school" I said as I watched them grab or their things for school. Just like every day we all jumped into the car ready for me to drive them for school. Alaina does have a car but she doesn't like to drive it so much, since she has to pay for it all she sees that there is not point in driving to school when I Drive Hailie and Whitney anyway. My daughters are very smart like that, they know that I am not going to hand everything to them and that they have to work to earn things. Yes I might be rich but I don't want them to think they can live life without earning things, it will make them appreciate things more.

Hailie and Alaina were the last ones to be dropped of, just like always Hailie ran of to her friends straight away but not before giving me a kiss goodbye, which I always love its doesn't matter who she is in front of she never forgets to say goodbye and tell me she loves me.

" Hey Dad, take this" Alaina said as she leant over from the back, even though Alaina is not biologically mine I still love her the same as Hailie. To be honest she is someone I look up to, she is so young and has been through hell and back but she always is so strong and sees all the positive in things.

" what is it" I asked looking at the envelope she had just given me. I was thinking maybe it was a bill to pay or like a college application but I knew she wouldn't give it to me just before school.

" Its something I have always tried to live by" she said before giving me a quick kiss and skipping out of the car towards her friends before I even had the chance to ask anything. It wasn't until I was home that I actually decided to open the envelope being very curious as to what she meant. It was hand written and wasn't addressed to anyone, the only thing that was written on the paper was.

When love knocks at your door,

Just breathe, Relax

and let It in.

Because being afraid of Happiness is complete nonsense

I read it over a couple of times to make sure I got it right, How did Alaina know that I was terrified to let someone in? How did she know that was the thing I needed to help me? Its funny when raising teenagers you think that they don't listen or even pay attention to things going on in your life because they are always so distanced and in their own little world, but the note Alaina just gave me really showed me that even though there not always interested in your life , it doesn't mean they don't pay attention to you.

It wasn't until 7 when Sarah arrived, I was actually happy she was because I have spent the last couple of hours trying to make sure everything was perfect, from the dinner to the dining set. Even though I made fun of the girls giving me advice, I did secretly listen to them which I would never admit it to them. I went for something simple with the dinner, some chicken pasta that I found in a recipe book. I also went for a simple but delicate dining set, so it looked nice but not to over the top that It looks like I tried to hard.

Returning to the Past ( Eminem Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz