Christmas Special! X Reader

Start from the beginning

"Can I help you, sir?" The cashier politely asked Laxus. He turned his head to see an old man with a Santa hat on for the holidays.

"Uhh, yeah. Who sold you that necklace and how much is it?" Laxus asked. The man grabbed the necklace and laid it down.
"A man gave it to me saying that he found it at an old and destroyed dark guild. It's 50,000 jewel." Laxus eyes widened at the price but he had to get this necklace no matter what. He looked at the necklace and sighed pulling out the jewel. "If you don't mind me asking, is this necklace for a special lady?" Laxus froze and looked up. He had a small hint of pink on his cheeks as he nodded his head. The man smiled and grabbed the necklace. He placed it in a box and put a F/C bow on it.
"Here's the jewe-"
"It's free." The man interrupted Laxus. Laxus shook his head.
"But why?" Laxus had a confused look on his face. The man smiled and chuckled.
"This is her necklace, isn't it?" The man smiled referring to Y/N.

"Yeah, she lost it at the guild on a jo we were on. It was her mom's." Laxus explained. The man chuckled and gestured the box towards Laxus.

"Here, take it. Merry Christmas." The man put the box in Laxus's hand and smiled. Laxus slowly smiled and chuckled.

"Thanks, this means a lot." Laxus ran out and made his way to the guild. As he walked up he saw Y/N. "Y/N!" Her head turned hearing her name and she smiled when she saw Laxus.

"Hi Laxus, come let's go in." Y/N directed her thumb towards the guild and they walked in together. Laxus saw his team already inside and for some reason, they were laughing. He looked confused before him and Y/N ran into an invisible wall. "Ouch!" Y/N wiggles her nose and Mira giggled.

"Well, this worked out perfectly! Looks like you two have to kiss!" Mira squealed.

"What!?" Y/N and Laxus shouted at the same time blushing like crazy. Mira pointed up and their head faced the ceiling. There was a mistletoe hanging down between them.

"Freed take down the enchantment." Y/N and Laxus demanded, in unison again. Mira wiggles her index finger never.
"Nope. You guys have to kiss just like everybody else did. Now if you won't then we'll force you. The enchantment gets smaller and smaller with every 30 seconds, pushing you two closer together. And don't waste your time by kissing on the cheek or hand, it MUST be on the lips." Mira smirked and Y/N looked like petrified. She was shaking, she can't get out unless she kisses Laxus! They looked at each other and gulped nervously not knowing what to do. Laxus has never been more nervous in his life.

'Should I just kiss her!?' He thought hard. 30 seconds past. Y/N and Laxus were scooched closer together. Another 30 second past. They were moved closer. Another 30 seconds! By now Y/N was practically in his arms. Her hands were resting on his chest and his arms were on both sides of her head trying to push the wall. The member snickered and laughed at the two 'love birds' trying to escape. Laxus pushed till he heard Y/N sigh.

"Freed you are so dead." She said before crashing her lips onto Laxus's his eyes widened and he stood there in shock. The enchantment slowly lifted up and Y/N broke the kiss. Her cheeks were so red it looked like strawberries were on her cheeks. Her hair covered her eyes and Laxus still just stood there in disbelief. The members smiled and went back to what they were doing. Y/N backed away from Laxus and walked outside leaving the guild.

"Y/N wait!" Laxus ran out and followed Y/N. Y/N ignored his calls and shouts. He saw her walk past a tree and he sped up. He caught up and grabbed Y/N pinning her to the tree so she wouldn't try to escape. They were in the same position as before in the guild. He tilted Y/N's head to face him and saw that she was blushing. Y/N yanked her chin out of his grip and avoided eye contact.
"Y/N look at me. Look. At. Me." He demanded. She slowly turned her head to reveal her face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you." Y/N apologized and he chuckled. Laxus leaned down to Y/N's ear and whispered.

"Don't be." Before she could say anything else he kissed her. Y/N slowly kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms found their way around her waist and pulled her closer causing the small gap between them to close. Thy broke the passionate kiss and was panting. Y/N looked up at him blushing and opened her mouth to speak.

"I've been waiting for you to do that for years." Y/N chuckled and Laxus smirked.

"So, how long have you liked me?" He questioned smirking. Y/N turned her head.

"Not till you tell me how long you've liked me. And if you say since I kissed you in the guild I'm leaving your ass here." Y/N answered his question with his own, and he laughed. He lowered his hands to the bottom of her coat and shirt and lifted up the corner revealing her F/C guild mark.

"Since you got this." He lowered the shirt and looked at Y/N to see that she was shocked. She looked away blushing and he smirked lowering his head. "Well, now you have to answer." Y/N cleared her throat and spoke.

"The day I joined the guild." She mumbled underneath her breath. Laxus still heard and he chuckled at Y/N. She slowly grabbed the gift in her bag and gave it to Laxus. "Listen it's all I could think of so just keep that in mind." Laxus grabbed the box and untied the ribbon. He slowly opened the box and smiled. He took out a small frame with a picture of him as a little boy on top of Gramp's shoulders. The master made himself grow so Laxus could put the star on top of the tall Christmas tree in the guild. He smiled at the memory and put down the gift.

"Here," Laxus handed Y/N small box and she unwrapped it. Y/N gasped and covered her mouth when she saw the necklace. It wasn't any ordinary necklace, though it was her mother's necklace that she lost on a job with Laxus.


"Laxus watch out!" Y/N tackled Laxus to the ground dodging a beam of magic. Right now they were fighting a dark guild for a job. Laxus and Y/N stood back up and shot lightning at the man. She didn't notice then that the necklace she was wearing had fell off. The latch on it broke when she tackled Laxus from falling on the ground. He stood back up and they saw that he was the last member standing. He started to laugh uncontrollably and his eyes were bulging.

"If I'm going down then I'm taking you two, and this guild with me!" His magic was explosion magic similar to Jackal's. Laxus and Y/N tried running out to get as far as possible till Y/N didn't feel the necklace anymore.

"Laxus wait! My necklace!" Y/N yelled and started to run back.

"Y/N!!" Laxus yelled out her name and ran after her. Y/N frantically looked for the necklace when the man screamed.

"Say goodbye Fairies!!" Before he could explode Laxus grabbed Y/N and used his lightning form to get them far away faster. He now held a crying Y/N as they hid behind a tree for protection. Y/N crying into his chest holding onto his shirt. That necklace was the last thing Y/N had of her mother's, who passed away when she was little.

Flashback ends

Y/N had tears rolling down her cheeks and she was smiling. "Laxus I," Y/N was lost for words and was smiling at the tall man. He was about to speak up but Y/N once again crashed her lips onto his. He wasted no time on kissing back. She wrapped her arms around him trying to get as close as possible to him. The kiss broke and Y/N hugged him tight. "I love you Laxus." She said smiling.

"I love you too." He smiled and held her in his arms.

I hope you liked the Christmas special! I will be posting the Fairy Tail ships in just a few minutes. These are my Christmas gift to you!!! Merry Christmas!!!

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