Imagine #2: Jungkook

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"I miss you,"

It was the season of autumn. The wind was mildly cold so you always brought your padded jacket with you. You were walking towards the park, with a picture of him in your hands.

Jeon Jungkook. Your best friend since- forever, died a few months ago. Not you, his friends, nor his parents knew the reason why he passed away. He just went missing for months and nobody could find a single trace of him. The investigation ended up declaring him as a dead person.

Everyday, you would always bring a different picture of him, and take it wherever you go. Each film printed photograph reminded you of every little thing you cherished about him, every little moment you spent together.

You sat down the bench, heaving a sigh while shutting your eyes closed. Opening them once again, you dropped your gaze on the photo you were holding.

It was a photo of him that was taken last summer at the carnival. He was grinning widely with traces of blue cotton candy in his teeth along with the blurred lights of the carousel in the background.

You smiled to yourself, unaware that a tear fell from your eyes.

I miss you, koo.

Your phone suddenly rang, vibrating inside your pocket. You picked it up, and looked at the caller's ID. It was your mom. She was telling you to come home for dinner. You agreed and hung up.

[The Next Day]

It was Wednesday, the third day off your week off from work. As usual, you'd spend the whole afternoon in the park and just sit there, enjoying the view of people minding their own businesses. As your eyes roam around the place, your realize something.

You forgot to bring a picture of him.

You sighed, a frown immediately appearing on your face right after. "Sorry, Jungkook."

The sudden shutter of the camera made you turn to where it came from. A few meters away from where you were sitting, stood a man in a padded jacket, taking pictures of people who would pay him for it.

"Um, excuse me?" you approached him as he finishes waving goodbye to the recent group of people he took a photo of.

He turned to you with a gentle smile on his face. "Yes? How may I help you?"

"Can you take a photo of me sitting on the bench?" you asked, smiling back.

He nodded and gestured you to take a seat. "Sure."

You smiled and complied.

You were sitting on the left side of the bench, leaving space on the other side. Just when he was about to take the photo, you told him to zoom out.

"It would look better if you sit in the middle, young miss." he suggested, adjusting the lens of his camera.

You shook your head and gave him a small smile. "Ah- this would do."

He raised a brow in confusion but ended up shrugging anyway. "Alright then."

The reason why you left space was because you imagined that Jungkook was there, sitting beside you. It was the least you could do because you forgot to take a picture of him with you today.

After taking the photo, you paid and thanked him before walking away. Placing your purse back in you bag, you decided to take a look at the photo. Eyes widening in surprise, you stop between your tracks.

Jungkook was there in the photo, sitting beside you. He had his left arm around your shoulder, posing with that bunny-like smile of his. He was wearing a white sweater with white pants and white shoes- literally, his outfit was all white.

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