9|How I'm His

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"I'm just surprised he hasn't dumped you already like he does with all his flings

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"I'm just surprised he hasn't dumped you already like he does with all his flings." I glared at Reina who only shrugged her shoulders. For once Ms.Crow let us work in groups which really gave Reina time to chat away. Like usual we were on the topic of Vincent.

It'd been a few weeks and everyone was surprised he was still with me. I myself was shocked as he never kept a girl around for more than a couple days. I of course wasn't letting this get to my head as he and I never really established what we even were. Sighing I went back to doing the work. "Aren't you supposed to be happy for me that he hasn't left me?"

She rolled her eyes. "I would but because of him your grades are horrible now."

My grades had took a big turn. They went from A's to some C's and D's. Of course Reina blamed it all on Vincent since he'd always take me out every night with him. Scoffing I decided to change the topic before her and I got into another fight. "My grades have been a bit bad but I've seen your last test and it wasn't so good-"

"Hold up! That's only because that bitch Ms.Howard has a grudge against me ever since I embarrassed her the first day!"

I laughed as I recalled the event. "Why'd you have to tell her that her wig wasn't tightened on right?"

"I was trying to help her out!"

"But did you have to get up and try to help her straighten her wig?"

She was about to respond before shutting her mouth and crossing her hands against her chest. "Okay, maybe I did go a little overboard."

I rolled my eyes at her understatement. "Everyone still calls her 'Loose wig'!"

She chuckled before covering it up with a cough. "I was just trying to be a helpful student."

"Helpful? More like set her up to be voted the most embarrassed teacher!"

"Whatever. On to more important things like if you're coming over my house to help me study for her upcoming test. I suck at economics!"

"Sorry but I'll be busy getting my own grades up. I've got a date with a tutor after school."

She'd immediately straightened up in her seat. "With who?! Do I know them?! Is it a girl or boy?! Oh, my gosh! Does Vincent know about this?!"

"Shut up! And no you don't know them and of course Vincent doesn't know! Why does he even need to know?!"

Reina tilted her head to the side and gave me a "Are you stupid?!" look. "You should always tell your boyfriend what you're doing! I make sure Philip knows everything happening in my life."

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