Chapter 5

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A beautiful, red note book. That's what was inside the present that Augustus gave me. I smiled quietly too myself. The book felt smooth but also strong as I stoked it with my finger tips. I couldn't believe I actually had a small piece of Augustus with me.

I was sitting on a chair in my room with nothing else around me. A few weeks after Christmas I was finally moving in to my own apartment. There was no furniture left in my old room apart from this singular chair.

I carefully opened the book. It wasn't a story. Inside was a hand written note. It read -

Dear Hazel Grace

If you are reading this I am dead. But let us not dwell on the sad, but embrace the happy!
This is the story, written in hand by me, of what happens after "An Imperial Affliction".
It took me blood, sweat and tears to finish this before my death so I do hope you like it.
I am terribly sorry this is brief but I am about to go to my 'pre-funeral' with you and Isaac.
I wish the universe let us have more time together, my love, but I'm glad for that time that we got. As I said, this is just a new chapter.

A single tear dropped down on my check. A grin slowly spread across my face. This present is perfect. More than I could of ever wanted. Why am I crying so much?

I was sobbing now, big ugly sounds coming from the inside of my stomach. I wheezed through my criers, trying to control my breathing. Outside a floorboard creaked, so I knew Mom was just out of sight behind my door, but she didn't come in.

We aren't as close as we used to be, me and Mom. After the incident with the parcel. We awkwardly made up, but honestly I was glad to be out of this house. Memories haunted me.

I grabbed the notebook and held it tightly to my chest. I decided to read it once I was comfortable in my new flat without any distractions.

The apartment was perfect. It was beautiful and only a 15 minute drive from my parents house. It had 2 amazing bedrooms which were both quite large. My bedroom looked perfect with all the new furniture and we already had a cot, for the baby, which sat at the end of the bed. It also had 2 bathrooms (one main one, and one in my bedroom), a kitchen which connected to a dining room and a living room. It was pretty big.

Mom had started working again once I turned 18. I forcefully screamed at her that she had to get on with a life, and I was becoming more independent now. All I seemed to do was get on their nerves now.

I sat on my brand new bed, all by myself, laughing and clutching my tummy. I still had the book in my hand. Everything was perfect. New house, new book, new baby...Except maybe not new baby. My ultrasound was in a week and then I would find out if my baby had cancer. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if they confirmed my worst fears.

I sighed to myself and started whispering to my baby. It was told that a baby recognises your voice when it is born, as long as you speak to it enough. Then I lay on my bed and started reading the red notebook in my hand.

Authors Note: So guys I know this chapter is really short but I felt that I must update!

Any things you would like me to include (like new people that hazel could meet, more Isaac scenes, more pregnancy scenes ect.) please comment below or message me!

i love you all

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